The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: OldManC on July 21, 2015, 08:44:52 PM

Title: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: OldManC on July 21, 2015, 08:44:52 PM
20 odd years ago I was in a non-serious car accident that still ended up wrenching my back and neck pretty well. I've had lower back issues ever since, along with some limited range of motion issues in my neck and sporadic tingles in my left leg and arm (not the Chris Matthews kind). I had great meds for four years and they were a godsend because they eliminated all my symptoms and made normal life possible, but once doctors started getting weird about writing that prescription I just said screw it and got used to the pain.

Over the years I've mostly chalked all this up to the aches and pains of getting older, but about four months ago I woke up with my left arm tingling and half of my left hand (from outside middle to pinkie finger) weak and numb. Long story short, the doc thinks it's nerve and possibly disc issues in my neck. PT didn't help so next up is probably an MRI and then who knows. In the meantime, I can't really play at all. All the strength and dexterity in those fingers is gone. As good as he was, I've now developed an even greater respect for Django Reinhardt 'cause I just can't do it with two fingers...

It's gonna suck if I have to sell basses to pay for that MRI. That being said, I'm grateful for my overall health because other than that, it's pretty good. I hope you guys that are going through health or other stuff (some we know of, some we don't) get through it all with your life and humor intact. It's hard to be cheerful when you feel like sh*t. Lean on your loved ones and be grateful for what you have, my friends.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Dave W on July 21, 2015, 08:51:40 PM
Sorry to hear this, George. My cardiac MRI last December was $1320 and 80% of it was covered by insurance but I understand they can be a lot more expensive depending on which procedure is used.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Basvarken on July 22, 2015, 12:08:09 AM
Sorry to hear about this George. Hope the situation will improve for you soon.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: uwe on July 22, 2015, 01:58:47 AM
I don't believe this is going to be permanent - have that MRI first and then we'll see.  I was going to add "on Obamacare hopefully", but I didn't want to rattle your convictions, ole Rep.  :-*  8) Get well, George.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: gweimer on July 22, 2015, 02:55:25 AM
I know exactly what you are going through.  My car accident in 1981 left me with 75% use of my left arm.  In the last few years I played,  I also found that I would lose all the feeling in my left arm as I played.  The seven minute set I did last fall - I played the last 3 minutes numb.  It was a hard  decision when I chose to quit playing, just as you are for now, but it was the right thing to do.  Playing music is something that should bring us joy, not pain and frustration.
You have my empathy, and I agree with your outlook.  Life should be so much more than just strings and notes.  It's our loved ones that makes it all bearable and worthwhile.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: drbassman on July 22, 2015, 04:03:32 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this George.  I know what you are going through.  My brother-in-law has had neck disc surgery four times over the last twenty years.  It can be a difficult thing to manage and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Stay positive, be hopeful.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: OldManC on July 22, 2015, 08:55:23 AM
Thanks guys!
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: patman on July 22, 2015, 09:41:56 AM
George, hang in there...hopefully it will all turn out well in the end. 

I certainly hope you don't have to sell any more basses.

Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: saltymonkey on July 22, 2015, 10:13:22 AM
George, I had a similar problem with my left arm and hand due to a pinched nerve in my neck. My whole arm and hand went weak and numb. I couldn't play or do much of anything else with it. Even one push up was impossible. Acupuncture and chiropractic neck adjustments to keep the nerve free from impingement helped me to heal and regain the strength in my arm over a few months. No surgery. It's been 4 or 5 years now. Sometimes it acts up but not to a debilitating level. I get my neck adjusted a few times a year and it clears right up. It's certainly worth investigating and way cheaper than an MRI and, God forbid, neck surgery.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Pilgrim on July 22, 2015, 11:20:48 AM
George, I hope there is a solution.  I wish you the best!
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: TBird1958 on July 22, 2015, 12:44:12 PM

 George, I do hope there's a solution and that you'll be feeling better soon - Don't sell basses!
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Highlander on July 22, 2015, 03:55:37 PM
Bummer... and wrong side of the pond too... this doe not help but I'll post it because it shows the difference between our respective cultures...
Jackie had something similar and all treatment was under NH... started with CTS which was operated on to resolve as steroids failed to resolve... years later she started to get the same symptoms in her hand, along with muscle wastage... had to have an MRI, then a decision was made to have a cervical foraminotomy... that's a vertical cut down the back of the neck, spread the flesh away from the spine, then de-burr the bone (calcification in her case) where the nerve passed through... a risky op but it worked... she has a "zipper" down her neck now...
The numbness is still partially there as nerve damage did occur over the years, but she has pretty much full use...
Sorry George, but J says it sounds awfully familiar... check the musculature of your arms for any wastage...?
Positive vibes...
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Aussie Mark on July 22, 2015, 03:59:17 PM
I have intermittent numbness in two fingers of my right hand due to a nerve impingement issue somewhere in my neck.  I went to a physio a few times, and acupuncture helped as well, and some of the exercises that the physio showed me also give me some relief.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Lightyear on July 22, 2015, 04:24:27 PM
Cripes godspeed George!

As far as the MRI - shop around!  Even with insurance you can find deal - I know of several people that made many phone calls and found a place that would cut big bucks off of the price.  In one instance when they called the place the doc wanted to use they matched the best price.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: OldManC on July 22, 2015, 06:26:36 PM
There are some great ideas here. I may try a chiropractor before going the MRI/surgery route. I should note that PT helped a little bit; just not enough to let me play much better. I'll keep up the exercises just the same and see how things go. You guys rock. Thank you.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Nocturnal on July 22, 2015, 08:39:45 PM
Best of luck with this George. Hoping for a full and speedy recovery.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: godofthunder on July 23, 2015, 05:59:32 AM
That sounds just awful and must be very frustrating. Hope it all gets sorted out quickly and you can get back to playing!
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Highlander on July 23, 2015, 02:42:26 PM
Get a good chiro and they'll be able to what direction the event occurred, but neck manipulation is interesting... old spine injuries reluctantly return to their original position but like to slip back again...
Expect 2 treatments a week post initial consult for a few weeks, then once a week, 2 weeks, monthly, etc...
It is not always a cure, but can be a benefit... furthest apart I got was 3 months... presently not in treatment as it's (sort of) stopped being beneficial... not NH here... sessions here cost circa £30 to £50...
If it does not benefit quickly seek further advice elsewhere...
Osteopathy is another route - "long-levers" as opposed to chiro's "short"...
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: gearHed289 on July 24, 2015, 07:32:47 AM
Be well George, and most importantly, keep a positive attitude! No comparison, but I'm going through a very difficult transition at work. Some days I feel like I just can't do it, but I have no choice. But I still manage to have a smile on my face and laugh about things throughout the day. That is, when my head's not about to burst into flames.  :o

I know some people don't believe in it, but I too support the idea of a good chiropractor. At least as a first step before meds and scalpels.
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Bionic-Joe on July 24, 2015, 01:51:19 PM
Hang in there, Buddy! And DON'T sell your basses!!!!!! Too damn hard to come buy now!!!!!
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: drbassman on July 27, 2015, 06:24:49 AM
Hang in there, Buddy! And DON'T sell your basses!!!!!! Too damn hard to come buy now!!!!!

Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: Blackbird on July 28, 2015, 09:33:05 AM
I know your pain too George.  L5 S1 (disk near lowest part of back)  has been out since I was 26 (almost 42 now).  It's half gone now, and surgery might make things worse, as well, introduce scar tissue problems.  It's never been fun...
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: westen44 on August 03, 2015, 09:09:42 AM
There are some great ideas here. I may try a chiropractor before going the MRI/surgery route. I should note that PT helped a little bit; just not enough to let me play much better. I'll keep up the exercises just the same and see how things go. You guys rock. Thank you.

I can very much relate.  I have experienced similar injuries (also due to car wrecks,) but it's neck and upper back.  I've gone to two chiropractors for many years now.  One of them told me that I was the second hardest patient he has ever had to treat.  He is really my back-up chiropractor, so to speak.  But the chiropractic treatments do provide real relief for me.  Still, I have greatly reduced my bass playing now.  I guess playing a little is better than not playing at all, though.  Also, I keep trying to find solutions, although I'm not sure if there are any. 
Title: Re: My Trials Aren't Nearly as Bad as Some, But They Suck Nonetheless
Post by: daan on August 03, 2015, 07:21:27 PM
Well first of all, I hope you get better! I work at a hospital doing CT so I see neck/back injury people every day and I wouldn't wish spine/nerve issues on anybody. Second, I think your thread title would make a great blues song!
As far as paying for your MRI, I take it you have to pay out-of-pocket for it? Most of the places I work will DEFINITELY deal with people on the cost, usually the business office people start out saying they want $$$$$$ but will definitely change that in different circumstances. Also nowhere I've been has played "hardball" as far as billing, I've heard of them agreeing to $5 a month afterwards, just to get SOMETHING coming in from the scan. My most recent job, (that I got laid off from...go figure) had something like 55% of the patients they treated, completely ignoring the bills afterwards-we got 0 from more than half the people we saw. Just ask, it can't hurt to find out. Oh and an MRI is completely non-invasive so just seeing what exactly is going on in there can only help.
That being said, before getting operated on, GET A SECOND (or 3rd) OPINION! Especially with your spine! My mom is on her 3rd lumbar spine surgery, she went with her usual family Dr and who he recommended for the initial surgery, had NO improvement, had to go to a different surgeon who had to totally revise her fusion (first guy did 3 vertebrae, and guy #2 said it should have been all 5) Now a year post surgery, her symptoms are coming back (numbness, weakness, bladder "issues") so REALLY make sure whoever wants to cut you up knows what they are doing and is GOOD.
Good luck, I really wish you the best with this.