The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: Blazer on January 25, 2009, 07:40:19 PM

Title: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Blazer on January 25, 2009, 07:40:19 PM
I found this really funny thread on another forum about stupid stuff people used to pull when kids/Teenagers and I figured that we could also use a thread like that on this forum.

I used to ride a bike with no brakes into a wire fence and then dare other kids to try it too. I'll never forget the biggest bragger getting on that hagard ass bike, driving off, making speed and screaming "THE MOTHERF*CKING BREAKS DON'T WORK!" when trying to break, before slamming face first into that wire fence.

I also used a BMX bike to speed down a hill while standing on the saddle, I made some pretty gnarly slams doing that let me tell you.

Related to that, me and my buddies also do a stunt called "Jump off and roll" which basically was us riding our BMX bikes down a hill, jump from them and see how far the bike would continue on its own.

And we used to drag my old kid go-kart behind a car on a dirt road making bets on who could stay on the longest while driving around 60...

I also used to be an aspiring skater but after dropping on a vert ramp and breaking my foot, my career was cut short and guitar playing once again became my prime forte.

I guess that's why I love shows like Jackass, some of those stunts look so familiar.

Oh then there was that time that I witnessed what happens if you put a five gallon can of tomato soup on the stove without opening it.

I was at this college party and we were playing this Nintendo game console (the old 8-bit one, the REAL deal baby!) and we all were getting pretty hungry at a certain point, so the host of the party goes "No problem man, I'll put on some soup." He walks away and returns with one of those massive cans of soup, enough to feed a whole regiment, clearly too big to empty in a pan. After a while he comes from the kitchen and asks if anybody had seen the can opener but before he can search further another pal of mine challenges him to a game. The idiot accepted.

It must have been over ten minutes into the game when we suddenly heard an enormous BANG and the kitchen door flying open. The Kitchen itself was smothered in soup, everything was red. The guy was going "Awh man, I totally forgot that that I put the can on the fire with the intention of opening it."

The best thing was that the top of that can had lodged itself into the ceiling, it must have been a hell of a lot of preasure because we couldn't get it out.

And then there's my boss 12 year old son...

Just the other day, Boy I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. At work my boss' youngest son Victor came walking into the workshop while being on the phone with a friend and we heard him saying something among the lines of "Okay I'll make a few more coins."

After breaking the connection he picked out a thin slab of wood before tracing a 20 cent coin and starting to use a diamond saw to saw the round shapes out. My Collegue and I looked at each other wondering what he was up to, asked him about it and he said that he discovered that if you trace 20 cent coins and saw them out as accurately as possible and then sand them down to the correct thickness you could use them to get gumballs from the gumball machine at the local supermarket.

He then stated that he also used to do that with another Gumball machine at a local motorcade but that the people who ran the place removed that machine at some point. Gee I wonder why?

My Collegue and I couldn't breathe from laughing. We still haven't told our boss about this, that boy of his is a sharp one alright, possibly a genius but he needs to know where to draw the line.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: OldManC on January 27, 2009, 06:46:46 AM
My friends and I liked to go tree-falling...

There were some trees at our local park that were 40-50 feet tall with thick, leafy branches that were spaced pretty evenly. We would take turns climbing them and would sit for a while, waiting for someone to pass by that hadn't seen us climbing up. Once a passerby got close enough, the kid in the tree would fall back, screaming bloody murder as he fell toward the ground. What you couldn't tell from below was that it was a controlled fall, from branch to branch. The only real fall was the last eight feet or so. It didn't hurt that the senior center was right next to the area that the trees were in.  We got some pretty good reactions once in a while... :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Dave W on January 27, 2009, 08:04:11 AM
Bet you made their hair turn blue.  :mrgreen:

Only thing I can think of was lighting cherry bombs in inverted coffee cans to see how high up they would go. It was intellectually stimulating.  ;D
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: rahock on January 27, 2009, 10:23:27 AM
This thread intices me, but I'm going to leave it alone.  ;)
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: luve2fli on January 27, 2009, 10:44:39 AM
Yeah ..... me too. Statute of limitations, you know .....
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: PWV on January 27, 2009, 02:14:29 PM
My buddy and I in high school driving the "back roads" at high speed with no headlights during a full moon.   The moon lit the road.   :o
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Barklessdog on January 27, 2009, 02:16:21 PM
Pose as a cop and go on patrol....
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: OldManC on January 27, 2009, 10:29:44 PM
Seeing as the statute of limitations has run out on this one I'll fess up to an innocent but STUPID move a friend and I made sometime around ninth or tenth grade (14-15 years old).

We had some 'firecrackers' that a friend of his dad had made and decided to light one in the playground of our old Junior High School. We didn't want to get caught doing it so we planned on using one of his mom's cigs as a delay timer. Great, but how to secure it... Ah, there's an empty Coke bottle over there. Hmm... Where do we put it? I know, over there in the grating on the cafeteria window (which consisted of a plexiglass paned window covered by a large reinforced metal grate with a small opening in the bottom to push food trays through)...

I shove the M80 in the neck of the bottle, place the cigarette on the fuse, and push the bottle behind the grate, between it and the window. Then I light it and we walk away. By the time we left the playground and walked up the street we figured it wasn't going to go off. As we stood arguing over whether to retrieve our explosive, the thing went off. LOUDLY. Taking the window, the grate, and most of the window frame with it... Needless to say, we ran. Fast.

Of course we had to go by a little later once the cops, fire trucks, and all the local residents had come to inspect the damage... We were anonymous among all the other onlookers and never did get popped for it. We were so stupid on so many levels it amazes me sometimes we ever made it to 18. I mean, how could we know a glass bottle with a large explosive jammed in the neck would act as a grenade? How could we know that the term 'firecracker' can actually mean M80 or larger when home made by a crazy eyed Viet Nam vet with authority issues and a HOT young wife not much older than us? (Ok, that part I threw in just because she was SO hot.) Seriously though, I was a stupid kid, but I wasn't a destructive one and I certainly wasn't a purpose driven vandal. I felt really bad about that one. Not enough to confess, mind you, but bad just the same!

I swear, we were so lucky not to be near that thing when it went off. After that I swore off lighting off random explosives in city limits from then on (unless they were actually designated as fireworks, of course).

Ah, good times... I'm really liking this thread.  ;D I don't know that I should share any more but still, this is fun...
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: rahock on January 28, 2009, 05:57:49 AM
My buddy and I in high school driving the "back roads" at high speed with no headlights during a full moon.   The moon lit the road.   :o

Add two hits of acid a piece and put the convertible top down .....and yeah, I did this a few times.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Barklessdog on January 28, 2009, 12:36:27 PM
We did crazy horrible stuff, like making gasoline volcanoes with large coffee cans, blowing crap up with M-80, M-100's, Burning Hot Wheels track, blowing up model kits, and thats just the beginning.

Dart fights with my brother, Driving out of state without ever telling my parents anything,
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: godofthunder on January 28, 2009, 01:32:17 PM
 I hardly know where to begin. Fire was always fun. Plastic model planes that were broken got balanced, a hole drilled in the wing and a long tether attached, then soaked with lighter fluid set a blaze and then swung round in a circle. Flying models got the same treatment once they were to far gone, soaked with lighter fluid or gas, engine started and fire set off the fireball  would climb and then crash in a blaze of glory. It's a wonder we didn't burn down the whole neighborhood. Home made hangliders of bamboo and plastic sheet getting aloft was no problem but controlled fight was not within our grasp. How about driving the folks car around town at 14 with no permit or license? A regular pass time. I almost killed my self on my dirt bike numerous times, hitting trees, ditches............................. the barbed wire fence to the neck ended my dirt bike interest. Oh another fun past time ice boating..................... if there was open water i found it, once i remember being on the wrong side of the ice and looking up to see the sky...................... scary.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Barklessdog on January 28, 2009, 01:41:25 PM
I remember we used to climb up on the first story roof & jump off for fun.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: nofi on January 28, 2009, 06:16:27 PM
whadda bunch of pansies. two words for you, 'car jousting'.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: uwe on January 29, 2009, 05:04:04 AM
I'm relieved now I was such a good kid. Though that metal mailbox we blew up with loads of fire crackers sometime in the early seventies (leaving it all bent and torn up) still irks.  :-[ I still feel guilty when I incidentally pass that corner house in my original home town today. In the eighties I would still sneak a glance behind the entrance to guilt-ridden see how the mail box was still all bent and torn up. These days, I don't even dare sneak the glance anymore. One day, they will get me for it.  :-\ I'm catholic.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Barklessdog on January 29, 2009, 05:07:57 AM
I'm catholic.

The Catholic kids I knew were the worst offenders, I wont even go into the crazy Catholic school girls.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Dave W on January 29, 2009, 12:15:05 PM
Something else we did, although we didn't know how risky it was: back before Houston had a mosquito control district, our neighborhood civic club would pay for once a month DDT spraying. A truck would come down the street driving slowly and spraying DDT in thick clouds of white smoke. We thought it was great fun to run behind the truck and get in the thick of the clouds.

It didn't affect me, I'm perfectly normal today except for that third hand growing out of the top of my head.
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: uwe on January 29, 2009, 04:51:40 PM
AFAIK, DDT doesn't affect sound. I used it to spray my room against mosquitoes in Africa all the time. It was called Baygon (by Bayer) and while DDT was already outlawed in Germany in the early seventies, it was still sold in Africa. And it sure was potent ...
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: TBird1958 on January 29, 2009, 05:07:40 PM

 These last two posts speak volumes about our esteemed moderators  ;D
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Lightyear on January 29, 2009, 07:04:53 PM
First - the statute of limitations with your Mom never expires! :-X :-X  I would still get a "whippin" if she knew what we were up to :)

Second - I am damn lucky to be alive ;D
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: uwe on January 29, 2009, 07:24:42 PM
These last two posts speak volumes about our esteemed moderators  ;D

DDTave, can you DDTermine what she means with that?  ???
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: TBird1958 on January 29, 2009, 07:32:27 PM

 I think I did alot of the things you guys mention (except DDT) ........I wore Mom's clothes too.  ;)
Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Freuds_Cat on January 30, 2009, 12:58:18 AM
Unfortunately for my Mum she didn't know most of what we got up to as kids because generally we never got caught and yes home made explosives, cars (Roof surfing to name but one) and falling from high places to scare people were recurring themes.

I say unfortunately because as I grew to adulthood she was all too aware of the fact that I took up mountaineering and rock climbing. I climbed with the Australian team in foreign countries on 3 occasions and did a whole lot of other high altitude climbs with others. This combined with bungy jumping, white water rafting and travelling solo through Asia, Africa, Europe and Russia has left her with quite white hair.

Well at least thats what she attributes it to  ;D

My favourite kid story was when we used to climb up Jeddah Rock in the katherine Gorge and when the tourist boats came through we would wait until the guide told them the story of the young aboriginal girl (Jeddah) who dies at the end of Australia's first full colour feature movie by falling/being pushed (its left to your interperatation) from the top of said Rock. We would then jump from about halfway up the rock into the water and come up under the edge of the cliffs which formed a hollow that we could breath in. It looked to the tourists as if we did not surface.
The water levelis low in this pic so you can see how it looks hollow at the bottom of the cliff


Title: Re: Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.
Post by: Barklessdog on January 30, 2009, 06:15:39 AM
Something else we did, although we didn't know how risky it was: back before Houston had a mosquito control district, our neighborhood civic club would pay for once a month DDT spraying. A truck would come down the street driving slowly and spraying DDT in thick clouds of white smoke. We thought it was great fun to run behind the truck and get in the thick of the clouds.

It didn't affect me, I'm perfectly normal today except for that third hand growing out of the top of my head.

We did the same, but road our bikes through it chasing the truck.