Gear Discussion Forums > Rickenbacker Basses

4001 neck width at the nut

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--- Quote from: ilan on August 19, 2017, 03:05:47 AM ---My son's July '86 4003S/BT has a very thick neck, but I find it very comfortable, and it's the fattest sounding (in a best way possible) of the three Rics we have at home.
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How wide is it? I do not like wide necks. but have no problem with thick necks.

--- Quote ---A friend who's an accomplished violin maker and classical upright player has told me that in his experience, the thicker the neck, the meatier the tone.

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I do not know what he means with meatier, but in my experience neck dimensions do not say much about the way wood sounds and responds. (My shadow has the thinest and smallest neck and is acoustically the best sounds Rick I've ever owned.)


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