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Jeff Berlin on TB today......

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....and it's really going quite well!

"I just did a quick search and it seems that alot of the opinions around here are that you have a big ego and you wank alot."

Yeah, if he can handle that one graciously, he should do OK. I can't believe he had the balls to say that.

Dave W:

--- Quote from: kungfusheriff on January 10, 2009, 10:04:52 PM ---"I just did a quick search and it seems that alot of the opinions around here are that you have a big ego and you wank alot."

Yeah, if he can handle that one graciously, he should do OK. I can't believe he had the balls to say that.

--- End quote ---

If you had seen his performance on The Bottom Line mailing list about 10 years ago, you'd understand the comment. It's not that his opinions were bad, it's the way he ridiculed and belittled anyone who disagreed with him and beat everything to death. Huge chip on his shoulder.

I'm not interested in reading the discussion, but if he's learned to express his views without being a jerk about it, so much the better.

Though there was some moderation everyone including Jeff showed admirable restraint....a very civil conversation. Funniest part for me was how many TBer's didn't know who he was.

That's what killed me about the quote I pulled and posted here..."I have no idea who you are, but these other people do and they think you're a meanie."  ;D

Dave, I've never met or interacted with the man but I've heard a few Jeff Berlin stories. Huge chip on his shoulder is right. Reading the thread, I kept asking myself, "what kind of meds is he taking?" There's one part where he talks about the accolades he's received through his career, and how he never thought he deserved them. Really bizarre disclosure.


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