Gear Discussion Forums > Bass Amps & Effects

Earth amp

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Chris P.:
Does anybody know anything about prices and history of this solid state Earth amp?

My first gig-able bass amp was that Earth head and 2-15 cab. Bought it in 1978(?) and it lasted years!
It's a total rip-off of Peavey, the cab even had the metal strips down the sides of the grill. I heard somewhere that Earth was started by a former Peavey employee/exec.
Cool to see a photo of it.

Sure looks like a Peavey !


--- Quote from: leftybass on May 08, 2009, 06:33:02 AM ---My first gig-able bass amp was that Earth head and 2-15 cab. Bought it in 1978(?) and it lasted years!
It's a total rip-off of Peavey, the cab even had the metal strips down the sides of the grill. I heard somewhere that Earth was started by a former Peavey employee/exec.
Cool to see a photo of it.

--- End quote ---

Never played one, but I heard that same story about the same time, and yes it certainly looks like a Peavey.

Dave W:
Could be a Peavey connection, obviously at least the external design is copied but I don't think the company was started by a former Peavey employee. From what I remember, there was a connection with Plush, which made tube amps in Kustom-style pleated enclosures starting in the late 60s. It may have been one of the partners in Plush who started Earth after Plush went belly up. I believe Earth used the former Plush factory.


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