Author Topic: A moment of wisdom despite temptation?  (Read 1167 times)


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A moment of wisdom despite temptation?
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:26:01 AM »
Yesterday I stopped by one of my favorite pawn shops.  I never know what I'll find there.  This time is was a Peavey 210TX combo - a 2x10 combo with an adjustable tweeter, amp section with nice EQ, compression, etc. and 210W through internal 4 ohm speakers, 300W with a 4-ohm extension cab.  Price was $186 "on sale", meaning that if I waved cash I could probably buy it for around $160-$170.  It would probably handle 60% of the gigs I play.  The online reviews are all very good, with one exception  - they all agree that the darn thing weighs nearly 100 lbs.  I can't find a manual for the combo, but the cab version without amp is 58 pounds, so it's safe to ssume that the rather large head adds 20-30 pounds.  I hefted one side and it was plenty weighty.

BUT - I have:
- a Hartke 120W amp, nice and portable for small venues
- a Behringer 400W amp, luggable and very dependable
- a single 12" extension speaker, 8 ohms (Homemade cab) rated 300W (works great with the Hartke)
- a single Peavey 15" cab with 8 ohm Eminence speaker rated 400W (great 60's sound with Behringer)
- a brand new G-K Goldline 4x10 rated 400W (great modern sound with Behringer)
- for practice, a 1980's Fender Bassman 120 combo with single 15" speaker

The idea of a 2x10 intrigues me, but that Peavey is supposed to be heavy as a boat anchor.  It weighs darn near as much as my heavy 4x10 cab weighs.  I do NOT need another boat anchor to move around...and I already have cabs which are adequate to overkill for any gig I play.  Lord help me, I could even team up the single 15 and the 4x10 cabs and shatter windows with that 400W at 4 ohm head...if I want to fill most of the back end of my Blazer with big cabs.

So was I nuts, or did I just avoid wasting $170 on a combo cab that would only have duplicated functions I already had covered?
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Re: A moment of wisdom despite temptation?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 01:28:21 PM »
You saved $170. The Peavey is a pretty good little amp, and that's a pretty good deal, but it won't do anything that what you've got won't do.
And yes, they are a boat anchor.