Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

2018 Gibson Parts @ Stratosphere

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Dave W:
He has some Fender basses parted out at present. The 2018 Gibson basses are a lot later coming out than their guitar counterparts, and he probably hasn't been able to buy any yet.

His business model doesn't bother me at all. He buys on the open market and resells. Want to put together your own Fender to your own specs? Want to put your own hardware and electronics in a Gibson body? Fine with me.

Here's the text of a 2013 post at Strat-Talk in a thread about him:

I live a couple miles from the man that owns/runs Stratosphere..

He's a good guy.. I've bought from him, and I've sold him a guitar that he then parted out.

He buys new stuff, sale stuff, discounted stuff, demo stuff and used stuff from dealers, second hand stores, Craigslist, individuals and ebay..

I say good for him. He came up with a plan, works hard at it and has a thriving business.

As for pricing, he sells most of what he lists at asking price, so obviously there is a demand..
But he also runs sales and I've got some nice parts at a very reasonable price.

Yeah I don't see anything wrong with it, especially since a lot of those parts are not otherwise available. I think it's great.

the mojo hobo:
I built a 2008 P bass with parts from there.

Dave W:
I love that body color. ^^^

What is it? Looks like a sort of glossy gray.


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