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My dog's Obama Pose

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Dave W:
That can't be Barney Frank. A politician would have his snout in a trough.

Where's the X marks the spot picture ?

John your Basenji's look amazing. I have a Border Collie and a Blue Healer (Australian Cattle Dog). One designed for Sheep the other for Cattle (obviously). I once legaly owned a Basenji, but I must admit to never having ever seen one in the flesh. Truth is I had a Dingo that we called Singey. (Sin-Gee). Unfortunately we are not allowed to own Dingo's as pets and as the only other dog that cant bark is a Basenji......well you can guess the rest lol  ;)   I do have a photo of ol' singe somewhere but it would take me too long to dig it out.

Here is a pic of our Border collie (Monty) from 2 days ago that made me laugh.

Cute picture. He looks like he is going to have a conversation.

 Border Collies are so smart, I have seen them do amazing things in agility and other dog events. Probably one of the most intelligent of all dogs. Basenjis on the other hand are more of a primitive, hard wired, instinct type dog, smart, but only for their own goals.

I picked this guy up from the pound about 5 years ago. He was nearly dead with abuse and malnutrition, had bad bladder control and infrequent epileptic fits.  I had him neutered and spent 3 years training him and now apart from the odd fit (about three a year that last about 3-5 mins at a time but he seems fine as instantly afterwards as what he was before the fit started) he is an absolutely beautiful dog.


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