Gear Discussion Forums > Other Bass Brands

NBD Univox Hi-flyer phase III bass

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Dave W:
Scott uploaded this yesterday.

Really sounds great to me.

I found mine in Ontario for a very reasonable price , it had been sitting there for a while. Mine is very light , the body is thin. Now some may equate the light , thin body as “cheap” , I think of it more as being very comfortable. I had always thought a Mosrite style bass would be fun , and was aware the originals had some design issues. Many that have owned both have told me the Flier is a much better instrument. So I was happy to find one.

Mine is strung with flats and carries a very substantial , rich , and deep thump. It sits in a band mix with authority. It sounds really good. Regardless of the amp I’ve used.

The neck is slightly on the thin side but not overly so. There is a slight taper but the upper register is very comfortable to play. There’s a three position selector switch and then master tone and volume pots. So you can’t dial back or mix the pickups , it’s all or nothing. On the other hand there is a lot to be said for the simplicity of two knobs , even at the expense of fine tuning control. However it does sound really good.

I’ve been using it much more than I expected to. Both on gigs and at home. Those that have played it like it a lot.

Now many of these underwent serious abuse in the fifty years they’ve been around. But if you enjoy a short scale , and see one going for a reasonable price…

Grab it.

A minute or so of goofing around on the Flier , it’s in a little Darkglass e500 and a mini Phil Jones C2 cab.  The preset used in the e500 is one I just made.
I was after a pretty straightforward basic tone , no weirdness there except for the slightest touch of reverb to have a little more room sound.
Clicks and buzzes are all me.

The Flier really is a fine little thing.

Sounds great!

 Here's a little video of mine. I get to yaking but I do play it about half way through. 


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