Gear Discussion Forums > Bass Amps & Effects

Jad Freer Sisma


Another company from Italy , small run hand built , and they say they’ve managed to capture that warm tubey goodness of a B15. With a 700 watt Class G back end. Will this become the new grail?
I’ve read some very positive experiences from the UK.
Not much presence in North America yet. I’m curious.

Dave W:
Probably just a grail-shaped beacon.

That rich , deep , warm , thick , tubey , old school thump is what I love. Not a heavy distortion , but a rich thump. Something the B15 delivered , but it lacked the power for most gigs , and weighed a ton. I’m just about there running a tube pre into a clean transparent Class D back end. I have the big bottom , and a 700 watt slam. I’m also using  quite a variety of basses. Some with flats , and some with fresh rounds.
This looks like a very suitable new take on the stuff I like. Class G is not something I’m familiar with. There’s an interesting lineage of Italian amp design.

Unfortunately I live in a fairly remote part of the planet.


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