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Messages - amimbari

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Ho, Ho, Ho 'Birds....... ;)
more like Bird-Brain  :P or BirdOnTheBrain  << ya that's more like it cause it must take a lot to keep your FLOCK happy..

you DO take em out in the sun and give them a bath every now and then don't you?

To me, all the different things about the Jackson is what makes it so cool.
although it is rare due to competition back in the day preventing the model from being successful, there are a lot of other companies that did their Tbird clones that are equally as unique to their particular manufacturing design ( gibson-vs-fenderhead-vs-point-vs-2x2head...etc.. ) I would love to have a non-holoflash Rex, among the other unique and different interpretations of a "standard" tbird bodystyles used for decades, as in Tbird1958's example of the Tokai, or a Greco, or Ibanez..etc...

Gibson Basses / Re: Lefthanded bassplayers playing Thunderbirds.
« on: December 23, 2008, 11:00:22 PM »
Well I chose that particullar video because it love the way your Jackson looks with the black body and white binding, it looks really sophisticated.
I always liked the Fender Aerodyne black+bound for that reason, just never liked the way it played. and a black+bound Ric was always out of my price reach.

I can't figure out how to multi-quote, so forgive my singled out answers...

chrisP, the hockeystick is a turn-off for a lot of people. they would rather have the traditional ( you would have hated my BC Rich )  ;D , but it is a rare piece of failed Jackson-Japan history I hope to have around to pass onto the kids. ( Jackson also made a Jazz bass copy after the Fender buy-out ) --

DaveW, I have a bunch of Charvels with the even LARGER hockeystick head and dot markers, equally as nice for what they do and sound like, but the triangles make a statement of Ric/ESP/Jackson/Ibanez...especially from the time period.

tBird1958, no guard. it was not an option from the production catalog, this was not a customshop guitar. one of the members of TB has a pair of JackBirds, and someone did put a sparkly white guard on it. there is no "bird painted" on it, so I never liked it, nor would I add one to mine. The Dillion's guard was taken off for picture taking, but I still have it in a ziploc bag..the same with my EpiBird, I took it off also to show the grain. Here's a pic of the Dillion ISIS birdlady on the guard.

noKturnal, actually the Dillion is slightly larger than the Jackson it's a picture angle illusion.
the headstock is also slightly bigger than my Epiphone which is not an illusion.

Gibson Basses / Re: Lefthanded bassplayers playing Thunderbirds.
« on: December 23, 2008, 01:59:49 PM »
thank you ChrisP. I posted a couple non-gibson Tbirds in the "other basses" section. just in case anyone wanted to see that JackBird in a real picture next to my DillionBird.

unlike TbirdMark who has a dozen or so GibsonBirds, ( even a good looking [cough-cough] FenderBird ) I never owned one.

for me playing upside down it was the ideal shape, and flipped, there is ZERO neckdive. my other basses are p/j looking charvels, and although they look retarded flipped over, I made my money as a player, not as a model for a photoshoot.

Other Bass Brands / some non-gibson Tbirds to contribute to the gang....
« on: December 23, 2008, 01:49:24 PM »
newbie here folks, Tbird1958 introduced me to the board, and I wanted to say hi, and he asked me to show you a couple different non-gibsonbirds:

I do have an EpiphoneBird, among the other basses I have but everybody knows what they are  ;D

the Jackson is a 1994 TBX-pro.
the other one is a 2003 Dillion DFBB.

and just as a topic of conversation if ANYONE out here has a TBX, please let me know, so I can add you to the list of people who still own them.  ONLY 4 found in 10 years of research and looking. they only made 27 of them, so finding owners is a challenge.

Gibson Basses / Re: Lefthanded bassplayers playing Thunderbirds.
« on: December 23, 2008, 07:14:58 AM »
Hey Mike,

 It was actually Mr Blazer that posted the vid, all same thanks for coming over and find us Thunderbird  (and all other basses too) fans here at The Outpost. Welcome!
Ya I figured that out now -duh...well my statement still stands about picking the worst video  ;D

Gibson Basses / Re: Lefthanded bassplayers playing Thunderbirds.
« on: December 22, 2008, 09:13:49 PM »
thank you for the warm "video welcome" . ;D

as to the lefthanded upsidedown thing and most importantly:
notes are notes, chords are chords, EVERYthing has a is all about memorization. ( and quick fingers )  :mrgreen:

My friend Mark said he posted my video, and he never knew it was me until today, after the many times we messaged each I had to come say HI to the gang.

and p.s. uh, that video is probably one of the worst you could have picked of the 10 or so Maiden tunes I have on the channel that I do using one of the Tbirds. ---hahahaha

hi gang

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