Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

The EB2 Triple Bypass (Choke Bypass Modification)

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Dr. B - I revised that EB-2 schematic that you posted to reflect the mod.  This is what it would end up looking like:

Also, I located the sound samples that I did way back when I performed this mod.  These use only the neck pickup on my bass, and give a better representation of what the end result on an EB-2 would be:

thanks, Joe.   gonna have to give this a shot some day....

Those sound samples are enlightening, I coul hardly hear the choked mud on my puny monitors here but the unchoked mud came out nicely - love the Long Cool Woman riff (Hollies do CCR)!

I forgot to mention it, but one other trick that came up in that old "mudbucker unleashed" thread was a relatively simple mod to permanently enable the "bypass" mode - without having to first excavate all the electronics from the bass.

All you have to do is locate this wire under the bridge, dig out a bit of the wax that surrounds it, and desolder the wire from the top of the inductor (the big square silver thing).  Knowing that I'd later reconnect it and perform the full mod, I just slipped a little piece of heat shrink tubing over the bare end of the wire (to insulate it), and set it right back down where I found it.  You can even melt a little bit of parafin wax in there to cover things up again, if you plan to leave it this way.

I did this trick initially to try out the mod, before committing to the larger rewiring effort.  The only downside with this is that you lose both of the original sounds in the process - the unchoked and baritone modes.  Some folks might not miss them at all, but I think they can be used to good effect in recording, and live if you're going for that choked Yardbirds sound.

I like eb2's idea of the push-pull pot.  There are probably lots of cool variations possible.  If you come up with something neat, post it here - I'd like to see it too.  Might give me an exceuse to pursue the Rivoli I've always wanted!   ;)

Granny Gremlin:
Excellent write-up.


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