Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

This is what a Melody Maker Bass is supposed to cost



Dave W:
That's about right for a Melody Maker considering the refin and the work to be done.

Someone got creative with that TRC!

While the MMs are as good an EB-0 as any soundwise, I disdain the cheap feel they have. A regular EB-0, irrespective whether a light early sixties model, a slothead or a seventies boat anchor, just feels a lot more like an instrument. Even though similar in appearance, I even prefer the feel of my Kalamazoo KB-1 to the one of my MM - on the Kalamazoo the cheapness "feels right", on the MM "ungibsonish".

Not to trod on anybody's favorite MM, they sound fine and are certainly a welcome change from yet another cherry or walnut EB.



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