Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

MSG & Exploration!

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Sounds pretty good to me, but he has changed just about everything on the bass, electronically. Too bad that is not the natural sound of an Explorer.

Well, it's the natural sound of an Ibanez Explorer with a souped up P Bass pup! Great bassplayer Chris Glen was/is nonetheless.

When this was recorded in 1983, Gibson Explorers were not yet around.


Chris Glen has always had a great live tone.  And the team of Glen/McKenna is one of my favorite rhythm sections.  When I interviewed Michael Schenker, Glen left the sound check with two females.  They returned an hour later, looking quite disheveled.

Yeah! nice...that song brings up memories....I like Schenker's melodic playing of that area.

Great bass sound!


--- Quote from: uwe on October 24, 2008, 07:19:13 AM ---Well, it's the natural sound of an Ibanez Explorer with a souped up P Bass pup! Great bassplayer Chris Glen was/is nonetheless.

When this was recorded in 1983, Gibson Explorers were not yet around.


--- End quote ---

So Gibson went backwards with their version then?


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