The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: Rhythm N. Bliss on January 30, 2010, 01:31:21 PM

Title: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on January 30, 2010, 01:31:21 PM
There's a great article in the Feb. GQ:

The mag costs 5 bucks but you can read the 5 page article for free!!!!!
I'm sending it around the world to all my friends & family....
Getting rid of my cellphone & cordless phone as the article suggests.

Pass it on....
The life you save may be someone you love!
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Dave W on January 30, 2010, 02:14:02 PM
Looks like they don't allow hotlinking but I found the article. Another alarmist piece that repeats stuff that's been debunked. I'm not saying it's impossible, just unproven.

Number of actual clinical studies establishing a link between cell phone radiation and ill health: Zero.

But there is a way to protect yourself.


Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: chromium on January 30, 2010, 02:29:45 PM
Guess I shouldn't reactive my brick afterall :(


Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Darrol on January 30, 2010, 02:44:28 PM
Any radiation is hazardous to an extent. Even though I grew up with everyone my age having a cell phone and texting, I don't use my phone that often to make long class or text which is odd considering I have had a cell phone for 10 years, long before anyone else my age. It is usually sitting next to me when I am home, which is most of the time, otherwise it is in my pocket.

 I still wonder how much my wifi router is scrambling my brain considering it is not more than 3 feet from me.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Dave W on January 30, 2010, 08:18:25 PM
It's the dose that makes the poison. There's background radiation everywhere.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on January 31, 2010, 12:55:18 AM
An old friend of mine was one of the first to use a cellphone a lot for business & got a brain tumor by the ear he always held his cell to.
Before he died about 10 years ago he warned my circle of friends not to use cellphones.
He was ABSOLUTELY right!
There are many similar tumors being reported now.
Read the whole article! It's very well researched & reported.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: rahock on January 31, 2010, 06:13:03 AM
Looks like they don't allow hotlinking but I found the article. Another alarmist piece that repeats stuff that's been debunked. I'm not saying it's impossible, just unproven.

Number of actual clinical studies establishing a link between cell phone radiation and ill health: Zero.

But there is a way to protect yourself.


Another victory for the aluminum foil hat brigade ;D

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: the mojo hobo on January 31, 2010, 06:28:51 AM
Guess I shouldn't reactive my brick afterall :(


Like Dave said, dose matters. Those old analog bricks were 3 or 4 times more powerful that todays digital phones. The FCC does limit the amount of radiation for cell phones and phone reviews typically state each phones radiation level.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: the mojo hobo on January 31, 2010, 06:30:34 AM
Oh, and I am quite certian that cell phones are deadly. People become really bad drivers when talking on a cell phone.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Highlander on January 31, 2010, 08:11:43 AM
... especially if you drop it...  :o

If you want to get totally depressed - "Life" is a terminal disease - no one here gets out alive, after all...
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Dave W on January 31, 2010, 10:18:36 AM
An old friend of mine was one of the first to use a cellphone a lot for business & got a brain tumor by the ear he always held his cell to.
Before he died about 10 years ago he warned my circle of friends not to use cellphones.
He was ABSOLUTELY right!
There are many similar tumors being reported now.
Read the whole article! It's very well researched & reported.

My step-brother-in-law was overweight and out of shape. He dieted and exercised, lost lots of weight, ate healthy, got fit, ran regularly, and did all the right things. He dropped dead of a heart attack while jogging at age 42. DIET AND EXERCISE KILLS!  8)

My point is, correlation is not causation. People who have never used cell phones get brain tumors.

The article is not researched at all. It just repeats scientific-sounding studies that have been debunked. It's mostly a rehash of the same unproven claims we saw years ago.

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: hollowbody on January 31, 2010, 02:31:02 PM
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on January 31, 2010, 03:41:27 PM
Dave Dub has the same attitude as the cellphone industry guys who say that there's nothing to worry about--ridiculing the dangerous facts & anyone who presents them.
This sort of bullying is popular in America. We want our goodies with no worries.
Unfortunately, in the USA we accept what the industry tells us, just as we accepted the tobacco industry & asbestos industry & their claims that we needn't worry.
In other countries research is done independently & therefore people in other countries understand the dangers of cellphones & towers & Wi-fi, so they protest what the greedy companies are trying to do-which is POLLUTE THE WHOLE WORLD!

Soon cellphone users will be forced to go out on patios with smokers & restaurants & clubs will be much more pleasant places to be. :D
They won't be allowed in banks, post offices, etc. either.
Won't that be GREAT?

Then later on in this century workers will be paid extra money to get rid of all traces of cellphone networks & chuck 'em out like asbestos.

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Pilgrim on January 31, 2010, 05:03:50 PM

Soon cellphone users will be forced to go out on patios with smokers & restaurants & clubs will be much more pleasant places to be. :D
They won't be allowed in banks, post offices, etc. either.
Won't that be GREAT?

I very much doubt that.  First, radio waves are present regardless, but the field strength of transmission drops off within inches of the source.  Moving people out of a room would do no more than moving them three feet away.

Second, absent a REAL smoking gun that proves a hazard beyond doubt, no such action would be considered.  There is too much social pressure and convenience attached to the use of cell phones.

IMO cell phones are here to stay.  The most likely next step is not segregation, but building them into articles of clothing such as glasses...and surgical implantation is likely with further miniaturization.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Highlander on January 31, 2010, 05:10:09 PM
"Jacking In..." - Neuromancer - Bill Gibson
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Pilgrim on January 31, 2010, 05:27:03 PM
"Jacking In..." - Neuromancer - Bill Gibson

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Dave W on January 31, 2010, 06:37:47 PM
Dave Dub has the same attitude as the cellphone industry guys who say that there's nothing to worry about--ridiculing the dangerous facts & anyone who presents them.
This sort of bullying is popular in America. We want our goodies with no worries.
Unfortunately, in the USA we accept what the industry tells us, just as we accepted the tobacco industry & asbestos industry & their claims that we needn't worry.
In other countries research is done independently & therefore people in other countries understand the dangers of cellphones & towers & Wi-fi, so they protest what the greedy companies are trying to do-which is POLLUTE THE WHOLE WORLD!

Terr, you haven't actually read any of these studies. The fact is, the real peer-reviewed studies published in scientific journals do not support these claims at all. Nobody's bullying anybody. These alarmist articles can't quote any legitimate studies to support what they're claiming. They just keep recycling the same old unproven and disproven claims hoping to sucker people in.

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Freuds_Cat on January 31, 2010, 09:15:37 PM
"Jacking In..." - Neuromancer - Bill Gibson

Great book as was Mona Lisa Overdrive.

And as there is always two sides to every conspiracy.

The electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones could protect against and even reverse Alzheimer's disease, according to a US study.

Researchers at the University of South Florida exposed 96 mice, most of whom had been genetically altered to develop the Alzheimer's disease as they aged, to electromagnetic waves generated by mobile phones.

The mice were zapped with 918-megaherz of frequency twice a day for an hour each time over nine months - the equivalent of several decades in humans.

In older mice with Alzheimer's, long-term exposure to the electromagnetic fields caused the erasure of deposits of beta-amyloid - a protein fragment that accumulates in the brain of Alzheimer's sufferers to form the disease's signature plaques.

Memory impairment in the older mice disappeared, too, the study showed.

It also found that young adult mice with no apparent signs of memory impairment were protected against Alzheimer's disease after several months of exposure to the mobile phone waves.

The memory levels of normal mice with no genetic predisposition for Alzheimer's disease were also boosted after exposure to the electromagnetic waves.

The study was the first to look at the long-term effects of mobile phone exposure in mice or humans, and its findings took the researchers by surprise.

"I started this work with a hypothesis that the electromagnetic fields would be deleterious to Alzheimer's mice," lead author Professor Gary Arendash said.

"When we got our initial results showing a beneficial effect, I thought, 'give it a few more months and it will get bad for them'.

"It never got bad. We just kept getting these beneficial effects in both the Alzheimer's and normal mice."

Based on the findings, the researchers are hopeful electromagnetic field exposure could be an effective, non-invasive and drug-free way to prevent and treat Alzheimer's in humans.

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: the mojo hobo on February 01, 2010, 05:28:14 AM
Now the Cleveland Clinic says cell phones are hazardous.

I actually have this condition in my right elbow, but not from cell phone use. It's from poor posture while using a mouse. ( I work on computers all day, and use my left hand for the cell phone)

How can one tell if a mouse has Alzheimer's?
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: rahock on February 01, 2010, 06:20:58 AM

How can one tell if a mouse has Alzheimer's?

Damn, I know the answer to this one........I just can't remember right now ;)
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Dave W on February 01, 2010, 08:41:52 AM
Its trackball starts wandering?
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: uwe on February 01, 2010, 11:08:23 AM
Terr, long before you'll die of a cell phone induced brain tumor you'll be unfortunately dead from copper poisoning from hitting those cymbals all the time and transporting little particles into the air and eventually into your lungs with every crash/bang/wallop. So sell those drums now!

Italy has for years had the most cell phone activity and density in its population. Now we all know that Italians are mad, but is it down to brain tumors?

And as regards GQ, our upstanding citizens of Lynyrd Skynyrd have long determined what to think of it: Best ignored (as mentioned/sung at 0.24-0.30).
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Highlander on February 01, 2010, 04:39:46 PM
Bill Gibson is a bit "Orson" imo... Citizen Kane came first, as did Neuromancer... gotta admit I've enjoyed his work, but I lean more towards his "spiritual" father, Philip K...
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Freuds_Cat on February 02, 2010, 08:42:05 PM
"The Grasshopper Lies Heavy" is all I have to say to you Ken.
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Highlander on February 03, 2010, 06:06:58 PM

(I'm off to bed before I splurt any more tea over this laptop...  ;))
Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: PhilT on February 04, 2010, 10:18:06 AM
Neuromancer is one of my favourite books, but I found the rest of the series a bit of a let down. Virtual Light is good, and All Tomorrow's Parties.

Lots of Philip K Dick references turn up in Red Dwarf, it's good fun spotting them.

Not all cell phones are good for mice.

Title: Re: Warning: Cell Phones May Be Hazardous To Your Health
Post by: Pilgrim on February 04, 2010, 01:15:51 PM
I've used the movie Blade Runner and the original book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep both in my graduate class about the impacts of technology on society. 

Many students are surprised to find that the elements the movie covers are only a small part of what happens in the book.  But it makes a great discussion starter!