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Messages - rahock

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thats a very large crowd for a guy on a pogo stick.

This was pretty much all that entered my mind too :rolleyes:

why would a 56 bass NEED to be reliced. ???  i remember when doing anything to an original finish ruined the value. i guess those days are gone.

The whole relic thing escapes me too ??? Try relicing your shiney new car and then put a for sale sign in it and see what happens :o

The Bass Zone / Re: hmm, it could be useful
« on: June 27, 2008, 05:29:39 AM »
I can't believe I never heard of this guy......I mean seeing that I must be the other top rated bass player he was talking about. I also  believe I must be a genius too and I'm pretty sure I'm a philanthropist and most definately , I'm capable of breaking someones mind ,or even body, if required :o ;).
No overdose of humility going on here :P

This fuggin' guy must be double jointed or his arm would be broken from all the patting himself on the back that was going on there. :)
Interesting product though.


Fender Basses / Re: new Fender basses at NAMM
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:49:03 AM »
IMO, the greatest "new" thing to come out in years has been the reissues. Since picking up my 51 RI a few years back, I've become a big fan of the simplistic "less is more" philosophy. I love that old 51.....I think they did it right the first time :)


The Bass Zone / Re: Low Volume Songcrafting
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:31:58 AM »
I grew up in LOUD mode too and have some degree of hearing damage myself, probably about the same degree most of us here have . I guess there should be a lesson in that..........I wonder what it might be ???.

When I do an acoustic or electric acoustic night and keep things at a much more reasonable volume, my vocal control and technique is greatly improved , as is my endurance .

Electric nights are a whole different story. I'm always on the edge (or over the edge) of blowing out my throat and I have to be careful to keep songs in the proper order of  soft vs. scream so I still have some pipes left later in the evening. The worst thing is when you push too hard early in the evening. Once I cross that threshold I'm pretty much shot for the night. The ability of the PA isn't really the issue either, it's more a matter of someones' instrument continually inching its' way up bit by bit through the night and then me playing catch up by pushing just a little bit more to compensate. I know what the problem is but it still happens way too often >:(

When you can keep the volume just a bit lighter you can still get the hard hitting vocals done with  a little technique (other than screaming technique), and still have the juice to get the soft stuff done regardless of the order of the songs.


I've got an old buddy whose father was a Mitsu Zero pilot in WWII and I've got to say that the scariest thing that the Japanese had in WWII was the freakin' pilots. When my buddy Yoshio was in danger of flunking out of college, his father told him if his grades didin't turn around he was going to give him his sword so he could "do the right thing" rather than disgrace the family name. :o


The Outpost Cafe / Re: I bought an electric drumkit
« on: June 16, 2008, 07:23:34 AM »
Nice :) Electric drums are one of those things I was SURE I wouldn't like, but quickly changed my mind once I gave them a chance.
A buddy that I jam with now and then has a Roland kit in his home studio and I really did a 180 on my opinion. Most drummers still prefer their "organic" kits but quite often the other musicians involved would give their vote to the electronic kit.

Like any instrument , a whole lot has to do with the player. Once a drummer gets the hang of them, they have a boatload of capabilities that they don't have with their "organic kit". I've got to admit , the cymbals in particular, take a bit of getting used to ;)


The Bass Zone / Re: why your band should never practice
« on: June 07, 2008, 09:51:06 AM »
I had no idea you were an MC-5 and Stooges fan :o
I thought nobody but Detroit area people would remember them.
These are boys from my neck of the woods. I used to do a little jammin' with Dennis Thompson from the MC-5 a few years back.


Bass Amps & Effects / Re: How much do your cables effect your tone?
« on: June 07, 2008, 04:48:02 AM »
I don't have much experience with wireless hookups, but first impressions tell me you lose a little bit on both high and low ends. It seems like it can be compensated for easily enough, as long as your amp has the juice to cover the loss. The loss of lows seems most pronounced. Although it's easy to compensate, I still haven't bought one :rolleyes:


The Outpost Cafe / Re: Prince = Creep
« on: June 01, 2008, 04:20:33 AM »
Read about it here>:(

I've never been a fan of Prince's music, but had nothing against the guy. His personal weirdness, well, he's a star, and I don't care if he's eccentric. But I hope Radiohead sues him and teaches him a lesson. And I hope his fans will remember how little he really thinks of them.

Pretty much my sentiments too.
He is an outstanding player, but he's a freakin' goon in my book.


Fender Basses / Re: maple board Precisions
« on: May 26, 2008, 04:34:51 PM »
I go for a deep dark sound, but I usually prefer the feel and tone of maple . I just roll back the treble control. I don't dislike rosewood , but if I'm doing side by side comparisons, I'll usually end up  with maple. I've got a 70 P that came with a rosewood neck and I changed it to maple, a 51 P RI that's maple an Earthwood ABG that's maple and an Olympia ABG that's rosewood.


The Bass Zone / Re: do we really hear what we think we hear.
« on: May 26, 2008, 04:23:12 PM »
I've been having  the same type of pitch issues on and off for a few years. I'll  often hear something tuning up that won't agree with what the tuner says. Others say it sounds right to them , but I'm obligated to argue  ;)Then when I start playing everything blends perfectly in the mix ???
WTF, It's almost as if I was wrong :rolleyes:

I dunno , these old ears have been through a lot of abuse. It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who experiences this.


The Bass Zone / Re: do we really hear what we think we hear.
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:28:22 AM »
I had an electric /acoustic jam the other night and got pretty much the same response from everyone. I had some pretty good players around too. I will say that my Olympia , with La'Bella tapes, running through a 400 watt Seymour Duncan head with the bass boost on , and an Avatar 2 12" cab does have a very uprightish sound.
Does it sound just like an upright? No....but it gets a whole lot closer than you're going to get with just about anything else. It gets a very woody and dark sound with a bit of natural echo type resonance that you're not going to get from surface mounted pickups on a solid or semi hollow body electric.
You can't go nuts with the volume at the EQ setting that I was using or it will howl so bad it will give you nightmares. It has a very uprightlike sound, but to me, it isn't 100% even though everyone tells me it is.


The Outpost Cafe / Re: Footage of my very first live performance
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:04:01 AM »
they didn't have moving pictures when i played my first gig. so sad.

Yeah, and those old tintypes just didn't catch the action either ;)

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Indiana Jones
« on: May 24, 2008, 05:04:25 AM »
Yeah, it was pretty lame. The term "cashing in" comes to mind :bored:
If it weren't for special effects and totally beyond belief action scenes, Hollywood would have absolutely nothing to offer.


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