Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

It's in my back yard and it's killing me

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:mrgreen: But you know my natural fertility!

I'm proud that my now 25 year old daughter, born 1991, has Alice Cooper's Steven (from Welcome to my Nightmare) as one of her all time favorite songs on her I-Pod! You can't wish for more normality with your child, can you?

That said, her initial tastes as a pre-teen were somewhat less dark, she used to go wild about this song (and denies it today)!

When the kids asked for some "happy music", they would regularly hear this though, eine kleine leichte Nachtmusik:

Just knowing it's so close would drive me bonkers.  A local guy tormented me with am overpriced '67 Melody Maker for over year.  He finally came to his senses though after I made him a fair offer and sitting on it so long.  If its that overpriced it will be there for a while, just be ready to strike when he drops it.

It's kinda TOO nice. Collector's piece, not a player. It would be more fun to find something with some "character" for less money.

Vintage gushing aside, I find the long term use of an EB-2 (especially sans bridge pickup) in a rock band that is not a Yardbirds tribute limited. It's nice to look at and have, people will marvel at it in a rehearsal room etc. And then say at the next rehearsal when you're playing again your Fender P or Ibanez Soundgear: "Hey, you sound real good today."  :mrgreen:

Allen Woody was the only one I know who could make those sound really good...


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