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Messages - poomwah

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Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / new "finish" on ibanez iceman
« on: March 17, 2009, 04:43:10 PM »
Hi everybody, just wanted to share today's project.
 Its an ibanez iceman. I got it from a pawn shop with the original hard shell case for 200 out the door. Couldn't complain. But I never could get into the burst that was on it, just didn't look right to me. So I found some plastic mirror that you can cut with scissors, bought a bunch of 6x9 inch sheets, and chopped it up and stuck it to the bass, I still have a LOT of work to do, have to coat the whole top of it now with the stuff they use for bar tables, and those big wooden clocks and such. Anyway, here it is so far

well, thanks everybody, but this project just got officially scrapped :[  The bass seemed quiet but I thought that was just the "way it was".  well, its grown even more quiet, the tone controls no longer do anything, and theres only one pickup working, and that's only if I have the blend knob in one specific position that is not easy to get the knob into.  So tomorrow morning, its going back to the store.  It will be a week tomorrow since I got it, and I've barely played it :[

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: want to fix my ripper
« on: February 17, 2009, 09:42:00 PM »
thanks old puppy.. I'm not sure which one on the sale page to order... thats why I emailed him, he said they didnt have any that would fit and it would have to be custom made :[

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: want to fix my ripper
« on: February 17, 2009, 09:26:55 PM »
my first choice would be ebony, but beggers can't be chosers :P  the donor epi bird neck I was thinking of picking up for 35 bucs has a rosewood board

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: want to fix my ripper
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:42:29 PM »
just heard back from him... 60 bucks for JUST the board ... OUCH :[

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: want to fix my ripper
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:21:49 PM »
this is available:

or you can go this route: one would have to put frets in it, but, the fretboards Randy sells are reasonable, new and you would have to level the frets anyways?

thanks old puppy... I sent an email to Randy :]

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / want to fix my ripper
« on: February 17, 2009, 07:04:24 AM »
my ripper has been sitting for years, unplayable.  I have ALMOST everything to put it back together... pickups and electronics, bridge, tuners, misc hardware. what I don't have is a fretboard.  and I don't have the skill, experience, or tools to make a new one.  Since its a set neck, finding a donor neck is not going to work.  Unless its possible to cut a set neck off and route out a pocket for a bolt on, but even if that is possible, I don't see it working on the ripper as thin as the body is.  The reason the board is shot, is because a LONG time ago, I defretted it, and then wound up not liking fretless, so, in my stupidity, I tried to re-fret it, and that didn't go well at all.  I've since steamed the old board off the neck.
  Should I try to steam a fretboard of another neck to put on there?  I'm on a super low budget, so sending it to a luthier is not an option.  I have a shot at picking up a "new" epi-bird neck.  The guy pulled it off of a brand new bird last spring, been sitting in his closet ever since.  He said its got a bow in it now.  He doesn't want much for it at all, What do you guys think of using it just for the fret board?

Thanks kindly...but it may help make the point - the final finish is only as good as what's underneath.  I spent many hours stripping, sanding and sealing, then sanding again, before applying a base coat, then the silver, then the rest.  If you want a good looking finish on your instrument, I really think that you will need to strip it down and do it right.  I only spent $60 on that bass originally - bought it in a pawn shop covered with black runny spray paint and with half its hardware missing.  I'd guess that 40 or 50 hours of labor later....there it is.   
I'm normally not worried about stripping a body, done it a lot of times before, BUT, never done it on something with binding, or a quilted top.  I'm terrified of melting or gouging up the binding, or somehow separating the veneer from the body.

wow pilgrim... that is a BEAUTIFUL job .

I guess that depends on what bass you're talking about and how much you like it otherwise.

I can't imagine refinishing a new bass. If I really disliked the finish enough to want to refinish it right away, I wouldn't buy it, even with a super deal.
the color is my only complaint about the bass, otherwise I really like it.  changing a color doesn't scare me and doesn't deter me from passing up a good deal, whether it be a bass, a bike, or a car... if its what I want and the only thing wrong is the color, I'll make it the color I want

I got such a great deal on the bass.... it was normally 600, on clearance for 300, and I talked them down to 250 due to buckle rash (which I already rubbed out), and some wear on the finish on bridge.  Maybe I should sell it for a profit and buy a black cherry one :\

thanks :]
unfortunately, the bass I want to tint is already antique amber.  I'm hoping to give it a black cherry look without stripping it and starting over

are there any techniques or products that allow you to stain or tint a clear coat that is already cured?  maybe sand the clear until its "frosty" then apply dye?
 transparent paint. any ideas?

Bass Amps & Effects / Re: Let's see your rig!
« on: February 11, 2009, 03:08:02 PM »
well, I've been holding off getting decent pics of my rig... because I was planning on ditching the head and going separate pre amp and power amp... but I've had no luck unloading my carvin head... so I'm going to walmart and buying a sharpie :P
 I'll post pics soon

Bass Amps & Effects / Re: Let's see your rig!
« on: January 31, 2009, 04:10:37 PM »
well, when I got my rig, I knew that one of the 10's was shot, so I didnt get to try the 210.  The guy I got it from was cool enough to send me a check to cover replacing the 15 that turned out to be bad.  I replaced the bad 10 today.  Unfortunately the 10 that was in there distorts too :[

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