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Messages - MattK

Pages: [1] 2 3
The Outpost Cafe / Re: Funny stuff
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:15:04 PM »
This one has a bunch of links to crazy generators of all sorts. Good times. Probably not safe for work, though.

The Outpost Cafe / Funny stuff
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:08:14 PM »
Check out these sites. Enter a url and have fun.  ;D

The Outpost Cafe / Re: New Metallica!
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:22:27 PM »
i just listened to it and its not. and they hit a rough spot with that stupid black album and have never gotten their stride back.

I've given their newer stuff multiple listens, but I really haven't enjoyed much of anything they've recorded since ...And Justice For All.
St Anger is one of the worst albums ever recorded, in my opinion.

welcome Matt, haven't seen you b 4 but that would be a life saver if this project is to kick off as that would be one of the the hardest parts to find save a Dan Armstrong bass pup. Kent is still making them but how close to his fathers specs they are i don't know. there might be suitable replacements for the D/A pup like maybe a TB Plus or one of Kent's pups that are sold through WD Music. maybe one of Fralins new pups might work also. there are three pups to get.

one of your DM pups would be enough. i sent a message to Uwe, Dave and Doc Bill. basically i was told if it was a voluntary basis then it could get an okay to go providing some one like Barkless talks to Mike first before this goes any further and see's what he thinks. it would be ideal to to an make a surprize BUT it would be darn near impossible without his knowledge of the original mutt.

Thanks, man. I've been here since the beginning, but I'm more of a lurker than anything. The guys around here all know more than I do, so I'm usually reluctant to post anything.  :)
The Model G is a done deal. Just let me know when and where.

I have an NOS pair of creme Dimarzio Model G's that I'd be cool with donating.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Re-discovering bands you used to like.
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:42:59 AM »
I was going through my old cd's this weekend and I popped in the debut album from Fountains of Wayne. I'd forgotten how much I like this album.

Same with Local H.

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Hi-Flyer Project!
« on: August 22, 2008, 09:42:08 AM »
OK, pickups are here - and I'm sure they were direct from the Eastwood Company. That means the Ebay seller Yarddoggolfer is one of the guys at Eastwood.

That's Mike Robinson. He started Eastwood Guitars. His website is
Nice guy. I've dealt with him a few times.

Gibson Basses / Explorer bass project
« on: August 21, 2008, 09:27:07 PM »
There's an Explorer bass project for sale over on the Weber Speakers boards for $125. It's one of them that Gibson cut into pieces, but it looks like he has all the pieces.
Just click on "buy n sell" on the lefthand menu. The seller's name is Dean. I'm not affilaited with him. ....Just thought it might be a fun project for you crafty guys.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Will giant Germans rule Ze world once again?
« on: May 20, 2008, 12:48:49 AM »
Growing up, we had a pair of Flemish Giant rabbits. Our buck(male) weighed in at a little over 22 pounds when I showed him for 4-H. They are very good-natured as long as you give them plenty of attention when they're small. You have to be careful when handling them as adults, though, because their hind legs are very strong and they have huge claws.

On a side note..... Domestic rabbit meat is delicious as long as it's young and you know how to cook it. 

Gibson Basses / Re: T-Bird pickguards
« on: May 19, 2008, 10:19:08 AM »

I just got it and I sent you an email. You're a lifesaver!

Gibson Basses / Re: T-Bird pickguards
« on: May 16, 2008, 04:55:00 PM »
That would be awesome, Rob. Thank you!

Gibson Basses / T-Bird pickguards
« on: May 15, 2008, 10:44:54 PM »
Hey guys,
I finally decided to get a pickguard for my naked Greco T-Bird and, lo and behold, a Gibson one isn't even close. I think I'm just going to have one made, but I need a template for the guy who's making it. If anyone here would be so gracious as to make me a tracing of theirs, I'll send you a nearly-new genuine gibson pickguard with screws as a thank you. 

Bass Amps & Effects / Re: What's your favorite bass overdrive / fuzz?
« on: April 01, 2008, 01:43:50 PM »
I use a late-70's EH Big Muff. It's not perfect, but it works.

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson Musikmesse news
« on: March 15, 2008, 10:14:15 AM »
Matt, back 25-30 years ago when I was buying a bit of it, black ash was just known as black ash. A lot of it did grow in marshy areas and I don't doubt that it could have been called swamp ash in some places. It's definitely softer. There's more than one species in the black ash group, and someone I know in the hardwood business says that what's being called swamp ash does come from species in that group. But the USDA doesn't recognize swamp ash as another name for black ash or recognize it as a common name for any kind of ash. That's why I said it's just a marketing term.

Cool. I learned something new today. Thanks, Dave. Sorry for veering off topic.  ;D

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson Musikmesse news
« on: March 14, 2008, 11:12:13 AM »
Those old Peaveys and Fenders were made with white (northern) ash. Not the same as swamp ash, which isn't a real species anyway. It's just a music marketing term that can cover more than one species. And a fairly recent one at that -- never saw the term used before the early 90s.

But swamp ash can be heavier than mahogany. It's just that you're much more likely to find a lightweight example of swamp ash than white ash.

Thanks for the pictures.

Swamp ash is another name for black ash and it is generally lighter than other types. I'm 33 and I can remember my dad(a woodworker) referring to it as "swamp ash" when I was a little kid. I was just saying that it seemed odd to me to make an already neck-heavy instrument even moreso by using wood that is usually lighter than mahogany for the body and elongating the headstock.
Not trying to start an argument. God knows I'm no tree expert.  ;D

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