Gear Discussion Forums > Guitars Etc.

How not to photograph a headstock

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--- Quote from: Grog on October 04, 2017, 04:55:31 AM ---... Even if you can get rid of all of the reflections on the guitar bodies, the chrome pickups reflect everything back at you.................

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Reflections and a certain George... :o

They are just sloppy.
In the Nashville airport there is a Gibson bar.
They have one of the best examples of a poorly finished bass on the wall.  I forget the model but it is the pbass looking one.
I will post the pic if I can find it.


--- Quote from: Grog on October 04, 2017, 04:55:31 AM ---It sure does look like a crack! Does that come standard with the 2018 models? That being said, guitars have to be one of the more difficult things to photograph without reflections. I am no expert photographer by any means, but I've tried to photograph my guitars & getting rid of reflections has been the biggest challenge. Even if you can get rid of all of the reflections on the guitar bodies, the chrome pickups reflect everything back at you.................

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I sell vacuum tubes, not easy to shoot either if you ask me.

Psycho Bass Guy:
I spent three years shooting HD video closeups of cheap jewelry. I'll never get that back! The setup we used was both high and low tech with multiple stand lights, reflectors, diffusors, filters and special props. I polished quite a few turds doing that, and to my eyes, that's not a prop or reflection; that's a crack.

Dave W:
I'm surprised Gibson isn't charging extra for it.  ;)


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