Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

The Gibson Bass video Demo thread

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Rhythm N. Bliss:
Mississippi Queen:

...with the ol' Politician riff at The End!

I can never get enough of Mississippi Queen.


--- Quote from: ilan on November 22, 2008, 02:23:21 PM ---Good thread. Especially for someone like me who doesn't own a Gibson bass (two guitars though...) and wants to learn.

--- End quote ---

Grab a new Thunderbird ilan, you'll never regret it. Nice slim Jazz-like necks and have plenty of presence, I use chromes with mine and it still roars.

Most of you have seen this clip of course but it was this clip and song which started my love for the EB3 bass and Jack Bruces playing. Only two years ago. For me that is the ultimate EB3 sound: no mud, clear and fuzzy. Also like his hat.
Jack Bruce qui joue la basse!

More EB-3 with Jimmy Lea (notice the rhyme?):

The track is obviously dubbed - it's the studio version (and Janis has been patched in to, but only visually, the music is all Slade), but the footage you see seems to be a rare live version of the song I've never heard the audio to. Then again: It might just be Good Bye T'Jane where Lea plays the high melody too.


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