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Sitar~ & Vina Sooon


Rhythm N. Bliss:
Got a sitar in 2003 & played it til all the strings but one broke.
It's been sitting for years now as I've searched for someone to restring it.
Finally found a gentleman to do that & he is now my teacher!
His name is Suman & us students respectfully add a ji to his name which is done for elders, teachers, gurus & so on.
Sumanji designed a small vina which he's had custom made which is excellent for slide playing.
Here he is playing it:

You may wanna listen to part 2 & 3 if you like good tabla playing.
I play tablas too but not quite like that!!

I'm so happy to be playing sitar again!
Looking forward to getting good at it & also will get a vina like Sumanji's made lefty before long.
That slide sound is SO wonderful!!!
It has 7 main strings like a sitar & many sympathetic strings as well.
Actually I've been convinced by my new teacher to use just 6 main strings on the sitar.
That is the "Ravi Shankar style" of playing. Sounds gooood to me! :D

Very cool.  The leader of one praise band I'm in brought a sitar back from a business trip. He used it for two songs at last year's Christmas drama with great effect instead of the same-old versions everyone does.  It forced me to change up my bass lines also.  Do you have a paisley Nehru jacket?

Rhythm N. Bliss:
Nope. No paisley clothes or Nehru jacket, but a few Indian kurtas.

There is also a Bass Sitar that I've wanted for a long time.
Tambouras are coool 4 stringed instruments too!!!!

The student who's class I witnessed has a tabla machine.
You can adjust the tempo to all the Indian rhythms & various speeds.
I want one!

I've gotta make a lotta money somehow to get all the instruments & gear I want.
Gotta pay for lessons tooo

I can feel a curry coming on...  ;D

tabla machine...that's rich.   8)


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