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Test , check , is this thing on

(1/5) > >>

Trying to navigate the process of posting videos .
So a quick test , I’m definitely going to work on the presentation skills , but goofing around in Dm for a minute , going to get the little amp closer to the iPad next time .

Nice chops just the volume issue.

Thank you , I love to sit on one chord and noodle for a while . Originally the iPad was beside my little speaker , levels were good , but it was just legs and bass on the screen , so I moved the iPod further away , and should have moved the speaker .

You'll get there, dad!  8)

I use a Yamaha Pocketrak CX (which is now an old but still decent digital recorder) for capturing practices acoustically.  If the room isn't too boomy it works very well.

When Dick Dale played his last gig in Denver in 2018, I had a seat on the balcony just above the stage and used the Yamaha to record the gig.  I just laid a napkin on the table in front of me and let 'er rip.  I got a very listenable recording that captured all three instruments well.


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