Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

Music videos that feature EB0 to EB4 and SG variant basses...

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Dave W:
That was dreadful.

All that lead in the fuel, paint and water pipes had a profound impact on people back then.

Sure it's corny but that guy got a pretty good tone from his EB-0. It stood right out in that big mix of singers and instruments.


--- Quote from: Dave W on April 25, 2024, 10:19:03 PM ---That was dreadful.

--- End quote ---

And creepy. There is nothing more unsettling than ordained joy and happiness. It reminded me of The Book of Mormon musical somehow ... and lool & behold:

The creators of The Book of Mormon, a musical that satirizes the latter-day saint movement, cited Up with People as an inspiration for the cartoonishly joyous style of several of the songs in their musical performance, which sends up the clean-cut image of Mormon culture.

Uwe, you put words to something I've felt for a long time. It's very creepy indeed when people are forced or intimidated "group thinked" into performance. I've never trusted it, and that's one reason I tend to shrink from musical performance at churches or religious ceremonies. It's too close to a form of propaganda. But I do attend the Christmas concert at a church when a number of my friends play in the band, as it's sufficiently non-specific-dominational enough for me to enjoy it.

"I’ve never understood how God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion by faith—it strikes me as a sloppy way to run an organization, whether a universe or a smaller one." - Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

“Come Judgment Day, we may find that Mumbo Jumbo the God of the Congo was the Big Boss all along.” - Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land


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