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Messages - dadagoboi

Pages: 1 ... 275 276 [277] 278
I'm hoping what's really important are the specs, not the physical appearance.  As long as the numbers are close I'll be happy to drop one in my project.

Very large Marshall amps will make up for a lot of signal deficiency.

Just watched the new FREE Live DVD.  Fraser's tone and playing are incredible.  To me Bruce's tone is muddy in comparison on Wheels of Fire.  Can't fault the playing, must have been that cap!

Ah, I know what you are talking about. They DO something?  ;D

They do what they did for Jack Bruce and Andy Fraser...mostly make you short.

Gibson Basses / Re: two point bridge with fender(?) saddles
« on: May 26, 2010, 02:58:09 PM »
These saddles are adjustable height and carriers for length , threads don't strip, saddles are steel, carriers decent pot metal that lock in with setscrew into channel wall .  Walls of channels are about 6.5mm wide, saddles about 12. 

You could even drill and thread the saddles for a screw and spring and toss the carriers.

Cheap individual string bridges also use these exact carriers and saddles and cost about $4 US each in sets on the bay.  The bridge shown is used on Lace Helix basses.  I got this one from Grizzly a few years back.  You can remove a lot of metal from the saddle assembly without it failing.

In a slightly different vein: Anybody got a picture of Bicentennial Tbird saddles?  It seems those would be pretty easy to fab.  I see a lot of mention about them being scarce.  I never liked them, had a brass nut on mine and briefly tried to find some metal saddles... eventually got tired of the neck dive and thin neck and traded it straight for a '76 Stingray.  Still wondering why I did that.

Gibson Basses / Re: two point bridge with fender(?) saddles
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:00:31 PM »
I don't really need it. The two point bridge on my 1969 Les Paul Bass is fine. Despite the fact that I removed the mute device it doesn't tilt.

I might just give it a try, as BaCH sells those saddles seperately for about 1 Euro each...

I've used that TYPE style saddle quite a bit doing SX Telecaster relics.  The SX ones are pretty flimsy pot metal and tended to strip out  both the height and length adjustment threads.  I've got a Squier Tele that has that style and they LOOK to be better quality than the SX.

My point is if you can get the BaCHs to almost work it's possible there might be better ones out there.  The strat style of the Ebay listing are steel and hold their threads better. 

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Artec Pickups on Ebay?
« on: May 24, 2010, 03:21:04 PM »
Good idea!  :thumbsup:

Maybe with chrome tape it could look even more convincing?

Sure would if still is available  Stuff I used is basically aluminum foil on a mylar adhesive backing.  It's used for A/C duct joints and has no insulation.  Made by Nashua and sold at Lowe's.  A roll with enough tape to do 10 complete basses including fretboards is less than $10.  Of course your song selection might be limited after that.

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Artec Pickups on Ebay?
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:17:51 AM »
It didn't have any effect either way on a Lace Alumitone Bassbar I tried it on.  Haven't wired up the Bricebird so don't know.  Don't think so.

The Bass Zone / Re: Favorite bass?
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:11:57 AM »

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Artec Pickups on Ebay?
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:20:29 AM »
And now for something completely different ...though not nearly as entertaining.  Stupider though.

Aluminum tape+ black Artec = sort of chrome

Basic black Artec

First attempt

Dropped in the Bricebird

Passes the 2 foot test depending on your eyesight.

Gotta go, postman's knocking w/ my Godin Zeta!  Finally

The Bass Zone / Re: Favorite bass?
« on: May 23, 2010, 04:50:19 PM »
Whoops screwed up, this one's mine, really!

The Bass Zone / Re: Favorite bass?
« on: May 23, 2010, 04:47:18 PM »
Well, this is my favorite GIBSON bass.  Bought in '65.

Ooh, nice EB-0. The single coil tele pup almost looks like it belongs there. Anyway no use regretting mods done 30-40 years ago.

Thanks, the angle of the pup to fit the string spacing was just right to match the bridge angle.  Hard to screw that one up.  Definitely no regrets!

I vote no cap, that's too beautiful a specimen of mahogany to cover up.  I'm also partial to nickel over chrome with mahogany, second choice mellowed brass.  I'm sure it will look great whatever you do.  Looking forward to seeing it.

That's going to be one sweet bass!  Mine's a '60 I bought in '65 for $40 and modded and refinned around '72. '68 tele bass bridge pup was a freebie from a bud. The combo of it, the mudbucker and longscale rotosounds still sounds good to me.  I guess I could stack pot it to get more control over the blend.  Little did I know then what I was doing to the "resale value".  Probably would have dropped a split P pup in it if someone gave me one.

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