The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: Barklessdog on February 21, 2008, 05:50:47 AM

Title: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 21, 2008, 05:50:47 AM
Have to vent after yesterday...

I repeat do not get a basenji

Sure they sound great on paper, great looking, don't bark, do not really shed, self cleaning like cats, no oil glands-so no doggy smell.

Really it is more like owning this-

I took my dog to the vet to have his teeth cleaned yesterday, we brush his teeth, but he's 7 and it was time to knock him out to do a real check up.

He hates having his nails trimmed and goes psycho, so we take him to the vet to have it done. At first they were able to muzzle him, but Basenji's are smart, so the mere sight of a muzzle now and he starts barring his teeth. Then we had to trick him, but he learned these tricks (doesn't get fooled again), so now the vet made a nylon slip noose to try to get around his muzzle, like the crocodile hunter uses. Now he has learned to stick his head between his front legs they can't slip it around him. It take three people to hold him down to get it on him, with him snarling and snapping. If he bites you, he draws blood or will leave a huge nasty bruise because - their jaws are able to crush bone. Once he got loose and actually chased the vet assistant. She said a dog never went after her like that!

He is a dog without fear and is solid muscle

Back to the teeth cleaning. The funny thing is he fought them to the very end. We also drugged him before he came with a double dose of tranquilizers and he still fought like a hellcat. He would not let them pick him up, they had to use his leash and hold his head against the crate bars to inject him.

The really funny part was once they sedated him with an injection, he refused to breath the gas when they but the mask on him on the table. He was holding his breath still fighting!

I'm surprised they will even treat him, but money is money, $500 for teeth cleaning & blood work.

In his recovery crate after that he whined & howled for over two hours and drove them crazy. They can't bark but are far from mute!

When my wife picked him up he was horse from whining

What people dont realize is Basenji's really are more like a semi tame wild animal.

They are not like regular dogs in that they respect their owners. No means nothing to them. They are more like cats, in that they do as they want, but will do most things for treats & foods. They do not respond to negative training or punishment. So if you try to intimidate one, they wont back down and things can get ugly. Any kind of punishment can turn a basenji into a dangerous non trusting animal. That's why you don't see them in pet shops. Crate training is essential.


To train a basenji we had to be trained, by the dogs and our dog's breeder. Funny part is he is well trained when rewarded. He knows all kinds of tricks that he will perform, but when he wants!

The things that make him a perfect hunter-dog, make for a bad pet, high intelligence (that means they trick you), is both a scent hound and sight hound, can run 35 miles per hour, so you can't catch him if he gets something or runs away.

Because they are fearless the number one killer of basenji's are cars. In the wild if you run from something, it means death-leopards are said to love to eat basenjis. They stand their ground and will fight to the death vs retreating. So if they run in front of a car they stop and stand their ground or are so prey driven they don't see it coming.

The real irony is we love him and he is a part of our family. He normally is a gentle loving dog, but when it comes to nail trimming or muzzles, he gives every ounce of himself to fight you. Funny too is that most people that meet him, really like him because he is such a proud & gentle dog, he commands respect. But after yesterday everyone has been traumatized, the dog, the vet and our family!

The dog from hell, the devil himself.


Get a stupid lazy dog, not a basenji.

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on February 21, 2008, 06:36:32 AM
I'm asking the question very, very gently  :-\: Why does a dog need to have its claws cut and its teeth brushed? It's beyond me, I grew up with German Shepherds and poodles, none of them ever needed that, their claws did not grow into their paws and they did not die of caries either. No one does that to basenjis before Central African huts I dare guess.

I'm not saying, it's just an animal, get rid of it if it doesn't "work". I've taken animals to vets to have them saved and cured which were economically speaking "not worth it". That's not my agenda at all, if you love an animal then care for it. But I think the dog's - may I say: natural and understandable - behaviour should tell you something. He doesn't want his teeth cleaned and he doesn't want his claws cut, they are his only means of defense and attack!

If you take him for walks outside and let him run, let him hone his claws digging holes or clawing tree bark, that must surely be sufficient to wear his claws down, he's no cat which retracts them! And dogs have long tongues and saliva which take care of their teeth, yes they wear'em down with age (like we all do) and they turn brown and once in a while they even have a cavity, their farts start to smell bad ... dogs get old too. Let them. 

Or is ist that I'm just so far removed to how dogs are kept state of the art today? Do I sound like my grandfather? ???

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 21, 2008, 07:06:07 AM
The claws, start to curl under and twist their toes, which would not happen in the wild as they were not meant to live on hard surfaces like wood & concrete. As far as the teeth, they get bad teeth and need dental care like humans do. If he has a bad tooth why let him suffer?

Also as far as his defensive aggression goes, I agree he's not doing it unprovoked, but just trying to defend himself. Most dogs don't do it to the degree basenjis do though. Thats why we have kept him. I can't blame him.

Also I believe that getting a dog or cat is a commitment like having a child, that they are family members for better or worse, not something to be disposed of. Yes, there are limits, like for me, house trained (our dogs are great at that). I wont tolerate an animal the urinates in your house. My wife's sister had a cat that urinated everywhere in their house. When you went over the ammonia odor burned your eyes & nose it was so strong.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on February 21, 2008, 07:32:27 AM
"If he has a bad tooth why let him suffer?"

No issue with taking him to the vet then, but does he need his teeth cleaned regularly to not get caries?
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 21, 2008, 08:02:00 AM
Yes just like people. If they get a bad tooth they can't tell you.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dave W on February 21, 2008, 11:49:10 AM
A man who rented a home in my neighborhood last year had a Basenji. He would walk it and a smaller toy-sized dog, and I'd occasionally run into him while walking my dog. It was interesting. The little dog wanted to be friendly to both of us; Jackson the Basenji would let me pet him but he was definitely very tense and on high alert because of Jody. I got the feeling he would have loved to be unleashed so he could chase her away. At the same time, he always seemed to be focused on whatever was far ahead of him. Very intense dog.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 21, 2008, 12:06:12 PM
At the same time, he always seemed to be focused on whatever was far ahead of him. Very intense dog.

Thats a good description, intense. They are considered sight hounds so are farsighted, so that makes sense.

They are also very "pack order" oriented, where they need to find out who is boss, when they meet other dogs. If another dog is unruly or "wild" they will not hesitate to put the dog in its place. Our neighbor has a part australian shepherd and the dog just bolted loose at my dog ij their front yard. The shepherd is probably at least three times his size. He instantly grabbed the dog by the throat and flipped her over, holding her down till she submitted. She never saw it coming. She does not do that anymore.

Once we met a Burmese Mountain dog, which was the size of a ST Bernard. My dog (always on a leash) just jumped on the poor dogs back started trying to grab her by the neck. The other owners give you this look. I don't let them meet other dogs anymore.


Our female is of  close African descent and she kills animal instantly. She has caught & killed adult birds, rabbits squirrels , etc. The prey drive in them is unstoppable. They are true hunting dogs, but only for themselves. Again not the best for a pet, but at least they can't kill a person, like a Rot or pit bull can.

This is why you do not take a basenji to a dog park-
They wont stop and some dogs my not like their constant harassment.

Here is a video of them lure coarsing- a form of racing, but done by pet owners.The dogs barking are other breeds like whippets

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: felig on February 23, 2008, 07:35:51 AM
Reminds me of a Medium Sulfer-crested Cockatoo, Sydney, that I used to own--very sweet bird, but she never had her wings clipped nor did she like to have her toenails trimmed.  Her vet recommended that we leave her wings unclipped, but of course we did need to trim the old talons.  After a couple of really traumatic (for all parties) toe trimming session--we were pleased to see a bird and tropical fish shop open nearby & offer reasonably-priced nail & wing clipping services for parrots. 

So, I took Sydney in to the shop & one guy took her into the backroom to work on her.  Very shortly, he asked for his partner to help him out.  I watched through the door to the backroom & watched as one guy tried to pin Sydney down with a towel over her head as she was screaming & beating him with her wings while the other guy tried to unclench her feet.  Sydney managed to free her head and bit a finger on the guy holding her down.  When I say "bit" his finger, I mean she laid about half of his finger open and there was blood (his) all over the place. 

Sydney ended up not getting her toenails trimmed that day & within the month, the shop was only doing tropical fish.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: OldManC on February 23, 2008, 09:04:25 AM
Sydney ended up not getting her toenails trimmed that day & within the month, the shop was only doing tropical fish.

That just cracked me up! Sounds like a bird I'd get along well with.  ;D
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dave W on February 23, 2008, 09:37:41 AM
Jody was a perfect lady when she recently had her nails trimmed. But that's only because she was under light sedation for tooth extractions at the time. Otherwise she might have been as feisty as Fred's cockatoo.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 24, 2008, 02:29:35 PM
Jody was a perfect lady when she recently had her nails trimmed. But that's only because she was under light sedation for tooth extractions at the time. Otherwise she might have been as feisty as Fred's cockatoo.

They had us double dose our dog and did little in affecting him.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: godofthunder on February 26, 2008, 06:22:48 AM
 We have had dogs all our life. Right now we have a rescue Collie. Smart...............when he feels like it. Stuborn................all the time. His only saving grace is that he is a sweetheat and devoted to our daughter. After this one is gone no more dogs, I want my life back. John your posts made me laugh so hard ! We almost bought a Basenji about 20 years ago, Glad we didn't. Should I feel bad about laughing at your suffering ? I kind of do but your dog stories are funny.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 26, 2008, 06:38:30 AM
The saga continues-everyone loves a good saga right?

Jules bought a rare LP, but the buyer would not ship overseas from Ebay. I volunteered to be a go between. I put it on the dinning room table, where there is bunch of other stuff. I even put it on top of a bowl,on the inner table out of reach right?


He was being a pest, wanting attention from me, Im ignored him, a minute later we hear this big ripping noise in the dinning room!

Of corse out of all the thing on the table he picked the worst possible thing to damage. My wife was able to get the LP away from him, but he tore the sleeve and pulled off a little corner. Amazing the LP itself seems to be fine, the sleeve can be repaired. I already told Jules the bad news, he seems to be not too infuriated. I offered to reimburse him for it.

Because of a basenji's long legs they can reach up to kitchen counters & tables.
 They also use their paws like a cat.

Having a dog is a ball & chain, like a kid who never grows up. Cats are so much easier.

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: godofthunder on February 26, 2008, 06:45:23 AM
  John man you could write a book on dog stories. Laughing once again. What LP ( I thought it was a bass at first) did he get a hold of ? We hardly travel at all because of the dog. In March we are going to Colonial  Williamsburg. Dumbassses acomadations are almost as much $ as ours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can afford the vacation I just can't afford the dogs vacation.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 26, 2008, 06:50:47 AM
It was a rare promo gibson vinyl bass demo disc- I think the whole neighborhood heard me scream-


The dog was there when I received it, he knew how special it was to me, how it was not mine. He did it on propose to get back at me!

There was a bunch of other papers & stuff he could have got. The LP he had to really try to get.

Like kids they know how to push your buttons.

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: godofthunder on February 26, 2008, 07:14:46 AM
So you had to have two ? Handsome dogs I must say, they sure look intelligent. Dogs on the couch ? They have you trained !
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on February 26, 2008, 07:31:23 AM
We got the second one to occupy the other one and keep him out of trouble. For the most part it works

They are climbers and since they do not really shed and have no doggy odor they are allowed on furniture (like we could stop them). They like to sleep in your lap like a cat.
 I have seen pictures of ones that climb trees and chain link fences.

They also run sideways on the couch, like a Nascar going around a banked turn. They are not hyper dogs either. They usually spend most their time sleeping, it's either on or off for them. They are thinking dogs so they need to be occupied by something or they will find something to occupy them.

Funny but they are actually better behaved when we are gone. They usually just sleep. They save the naughtiness for when I am home.

Long walks usually make them happy-a tired basenji is a happy owner.

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on March 13, 2008, 12:05:42 PM
Dancing Basenji- this is amazing he can get his dog to do this.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: rockinrayduke on March 13, 2008, 03:28:35 PM
I have a Jack Russell, same type of thing. Smart little bastard. Wily and loves to dig. I have to stay 2 steps ahead of him constantly. Haven't taken him to a groomer yet though. That oughta be fun.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Tim Armstrong on March 16, 2008, 08:03:40 PM
A friend of ours has a Basenji named Mookie who is really a great, funny, smart-as-hell, affectionate, infuriating dog.  She's an amazing jumper, too!  :o

I think the "smart" bit makes it all so much more "interesting"...

Cheers, Tim
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on March 18, 2008, 04:08:45 AM
What have we come to. Threads with explicit pictorials of dogs having oral sex.  ;D
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on March 18, 2008, 04:17:51 AM
What have we come to. Threads with explicit pictorials of dogs having oral sex.  ;D

Is this more to your liking?

Or we can completely go off topic with this MySpace friend who contacted me the other day, who is also a fire eater!

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on March 18, 2008, 07:36:22 AM
Ok, ok, let's stay on topic then.  ;) I think canine oral sex is great!
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Nocturnal on March 18, 2008, 09:13:21 AM
How do we know that the "MySPace friend" isn't really John trying to out dress Mark?
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: nofi on March 18, 2008, 09:53:45 AM
allright, granny tatoo is the creepiest thing i've seen today. jeez! :o
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: TBird1958 on March 18, 2008, 09:59:18 AM

 Something you're not telling us John?..........That does kinda look like one of your basses. :D

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on March 18, 2008, 11:59:36 AM
I think John is telling us a lot with these pictures. Quite enough if you ask me!!!
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: chromium on March 18, 2008, 01:30:04 PM
I think the message is that it is important to stretch before we play - helps reduce the possibility of aches and tendonitis.

Ahhh to be young and limber.  Or old and limber, for that matter.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on March 18, 2008, 01:34:33 PM
Which is the worst one to kiss ?

The fire eater or the puppy with the shirt?

Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: TBird1958 on March 18, 2008, 02:52:46 PM
Which is the worst one to kiss ?

The fire eater Dragon Woman or the puppy with the shirt?

 Well she smokes.........obviously  ;) So yeah, I'll kiss the dog first.....then her  :D
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on March 19, 2008, 04:34:05 AM
I remember the days when John was this awfully nice closet fusion fan playing music in church. Now he mingles with the strangest people ...
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: drbassman on March 19, 2008, 04:59:53 AM
First, (back to the dog vs vet part of the thread) I'd use a tranquilizer gun on the little beast if you're gonna put him under anyway!  And second, we had a border collie for 14.5 years and smart dogs are fun, but a pain in the butt too!!!  Still, we miss her a lot.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on March 19, 2008, 06:47:54 AM
First, (back to the dog vs vet part of the thread) I'd use a tranquilizer gun on the little beast if you're gonna put him under anyway!  And second, we had a border collie for 14.5 years and smart dogs are fun, but a pain in the butt too!!!  Still, we miss her a lot.

Like the people here and in the pit, sometimes it's the ones that are the biggest pain in the arse, are the ones that are the most endearing.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Barklessdog on April 29, 2008, 06:08:18 AM
Here is again trying to get his paws on my bass!


If I have no interest in something than he has no interest. But working in the garden or with plumbing, he has to be on top of you and will help dig holes, carry away plumbing parts, or assembly instructions to be shredded.

He has to inspect everything I bring in, including Uwe's basses. At least he does not mark things!
One good thing about basenji's are they are really good at house training.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: uwe on April 29, 2008, 06:44:58 AM
I think in one of his pre-lives he must have been a customs Deutscher Schäferhund.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Trinity on July 20, 2014, 12:52:24 PM
I was so amused by your post because my wonderful husband came with a Basenji which I call HELL-Dog.  I know that she IS the Devil spawn.  No dog could be so horrible but, YES there is a breed of dog that is undeniably awful.  The Basenji is only a generation or two from being wild.  I agree with you that NO ONE should get a Basenji.  These dogs should have been left in their natural environment where they have thrived for 100 of years and are successful.  They should have been left to be where GOD put them ... AFRICA.  I am sure that owning a wild wolf or fox would be about the same as owning one of these hellions.  I love how the websites make these dogs look like a wonderful and desirable family pet or companion.  This is far from the truth, these dogs are opportunists, like any other wild animal; they will go where the getting is good and they will chase down and kill anything they can.  They dont listen unless you have food, and they can most definitely be aggressive.  My husband's Basenji has bitten many times, has bitten him too.  We have a muzzle that we use a lot, we can get it on her with no issues but she snarls and growls and is downright mean.  I would NEVER trust her alone in a home without being crated, and never just let someone come up to pet her.  She is indiscriminate and unpredictable.  I wish Basenji websites would be more truthful about HOW these dogs really are.  Yes they are bark-less but far from quiet.  Yodel my butt, they scream and whine and howl.  My neighbor called me one day wanting to know if I heard the child screaming.  YES !!!  The child is the Basenji and not only do they sound like one they act like one too.  Super destructive and defiant.  My husband left her in the truck for 2-3 minutes while he went in a prepaid for gas and when he got back, she had reduced the seat belt to threads and shreds with bite marks marring the steering wheel and arm rest.  So in closing, if you want a dog that screams, howls and whines, destroys anything it can get its teeth into, chases anything that runs; no matter how big or small, will eat anything from a small cat to rodents in a second, must never be let out of sight, unless crated, can be pretty aggressive, will bite, will not listen to any commands, aloof, and prone to a deadly kidney disease called Fanconi.  Well then this WILD dog is for you.  Good luck. 
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Highlander on July 20, 2014, 01:06:54 PM
Roshina has a Bichon... she's small, white and fluffy, and loves to roll in the mud or anything with a strong scent... :o
Presently have a guest Havanese Bichon cross that is rather elderly and the Bichon is somewhat put-out by this thing in her home... >:(
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: tore00 on July 20, 2014, 01:49:40 PM
No interest in pets by my side. I was thinking about a Bass VI.
Title: Re: Do not get a BASENJI!!!!!!!!
Post by: Highlander on July 20, 2014, 02:23:21 PM
What breed's that...? Bassett I've heard of but not Bassix...?