Gear Discussion Forums > Other Bass Brands

Mystery Thunderbird onstage...

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Not a BaCH as far as I can see.
Plus I think I know who owns a BaCHbird and who doesn't ;)

I've seen that colour on Epi NR Tbirds. And they featured that bridge.
But the Epi's had the P J pickup combination. And the reverse headstock.

So I don't know.

The bridge pickup looks like a 3-screw - or at least the cover is. The neck pickup almost looks like an Epi TBIV unit that has been plasti-chromed. I will say that from the one song I heard, this thing sounded real good - big bottom end and just the right amount of edge.

sadly, every time i see a photo like that it reminds me of spinal tap. the guys t shirt even says 'rock'. :-[

and what's with the glove?


--- Quote from: Basvarken on July 14, 2009, 05:47:34 AM ---and what's with the glove?

--- End quote ---

I'm guessing carpal tunnel syndrome.  I've heard that John Wetton is now thumb-picking when he plays for the same reason.


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