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Kissed Off!

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Michael Jackson pedophilia jokes are now outlawed too?  :-\

Because he thought that Boys 2 Men were a delivery service?

One should not speak ill of the dead, unless they're Charles Manson, or worse, Jimmy Saville...

Jimmy worse than Charlie?  :o Even in evilness, there are different levels. Saville was a swine, Charlie a monster.


--- Quote from: Highlander on November 22, 2017, 12:26:05 PM ---One should not speak ill of the dead, unless they're Charles Manson, or worse, Jimmy Saville...

--- End quote ---
A couple of weeks ago I was live on TV referring to Michael Jackson as a pedophile, you should have seen my inbox in the following days, it seems the guy still has tons of fans that still would not accept that he was anything other than godlike.

Jackson's relationship to children just wasn't "normal", let's put it that way. He had no doubt pedophile leanings - though he probably camouflaged them before himself with his self-perception as a "grown up child" -, but he wasn't a rampaging creep like Jimmy Saville. Again there is a range, not every pedophile rapes infants and has the scene filmed (not that Saville did), but even if MJ cuddled with children only in bed (like he always claimed), he was crossing a line.


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