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Messages - uwe

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The Bass Zone / Re: R.I.P. Mike Starr of Alice in Chains
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:14:03 AM »
Hair metal was well behind its "best used before"-date as early as 1987 - that Whitesnake vid of Still of the Night was pretty much the nadir of hard rock as an "honest", down to earth music form. Five guys made up to look like their girlfriends, miming like the Chippendales to music none of them had recorded or written (Coverdale excepted) and with Adrian Vandenberg pretending to play synth lines with a violin bow. Ouch. Come back Jimmy Page, all was forgiven and forgotten at that moment.

And I'm not talking about the song as such which you might or might not like for all its vocal histrionics, hamfisted lyrics and rehashed Zep riffage. That vid was the triumph of form over content.

"Custom Order" is a flexible term. Is "could you make me a walnut EB-2 while you're at it?" a "Custom Order"? Not to me, but other people might think different. I saw that part as sales blurb in any case. Custom Order is to me something like my 8 string LP they made at the request of TM Stevens, i.e. a variation of an existing model whose changes are more than skin-deep.

It's still one hell of a purdy EB-2. That walnut gives the fin a depth other, more solid color variations lack. And they sure picked a nice piece of maple.

They are rare, admit it! And look nice and this one seems to be in very good shape.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Lovin' the classics
« on: March 10, 2011, 07:16:08 AM »
I'm glad someone asked!!!  :-[ Sounded like a discarded White Stripes backing track to me.

Gibson Basses / Re: bridge bar
« on: March 10, 2011, 07:14:04 AM »
"and to my ears that very same silk muffles the string's high end"

Scientific evidence?!!!  :mrgreen: When you scrape it off, does it sound brighter?  ??? There is hardly any movement left in the string so close to the bridge, I doubt that there is anything audible.

But to the discerning eye it might look messy, true.

I don't think that is walnut wood, just maple or ash (?) dyed to look like it. Still nice. Not that type of wood would make an audible difference on an EB-2 of all basses whose quality of being able to provide a vastly different array of sounds has somehow escaped the annals of time.  :-X

Gibson Basses / Re: New 2009 Grabber II and, yes, even the Ripper!
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:48:01 AM »
Well ...  :bored: how do you like it, Mark? Let those sheep go for once and tell us!

Gibson Basses / For men of wealth and taste: Admittedly nice EB-2 ...
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:39:45 AM »
It is a good thing that I'm never ever tempted for fins ...

Actually, for a specimen this special-looking and in that condition the BIN isn't outrageous.

There is fear now in Germany. Great fear.

The Bass Zone / Re: Some Comments from Houston Bassists
« on: March 09, 2011, 06:00:29 PM »
No one has ever accused me of not being heard. And the guitarist whose solo can blend out my bass playing in listeners' attention has yet to be born. It's the thing I always hear at auditions: "Wow, you really make a difference in our sound." Not everybody likes that though, but enough people do.

And there is one great Sting quote about the subtle power of bass and that is: "If the band plays a chord, I get to determine with what I play whether the listener hears it as A minor or C major." Right on. Guitarists tend to be utterly confounded by this.

The Bass Zone / Re: R.I.P. Mike Starr of Alice in Chains
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:53:35 PM »
Was he in the current line up? Their last album wasn't bad, they were the first grunge band I could actually appreciate. Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam eluded me completely, all I ever thought when hearing their stuff was "man, has no-one taught these guys the circle of fifths and which chords should go where?". I really had a hard time listening myself into the grunge genre. To this day, for all their influence, Nirvana leaves me bewildered.

Getting back to Mike Starr: Ruhe in Frieden, but hopefully with enough grunge around him to keep him busy. Kurt Cobain now has a bassist.

George, don't we have some homework to do with that Custom Shop TB?!!!

 ! - )

I have a handful lesser celebrity basses (Pappalardi, the bass player from Kingdom Come, T.M. Stevens, Me'Shell Nd-whatshername). I can truthfully say that none of them was bought for the celebrity factor, they were all prototypes, one-offs or custom shop raries with the exception of Pappalardi's cherry refinned EB-1 which was at that point just an affordable, non-broken fifties EB-1 to me. It probably means the most to people who don't play an instrument - when they see my collection in the office they inevitably ask "were any of these basses owned by famous people?". I then have to explain to thirty-year olds who Mountain and Felix were, but all that ever interests them is that he was shot by his wife. If I had a bass pre-owned by Jack the Ripper that would be the one for them.

And, no, when I play Felix' EB-1 his ghost does not possess me nor do I speak in strange tongues, I'm still Uwe Hornung with a too small silly-looking bass on me. Given his ultimate fate, I think that is a good thing!

Gibson Basses / Re: bridge bar
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:22:25 PM »
Just different, not better or worse. I've had them on my Triumph, my Allen Woody und my Epi JC. They added some sustain and some general thudiness, but you really don't need either with a typica Gibson or Epi, they are blessed by nature in those regards. I took it off again on my JC and thought that changed sound for the better, the bass became livelier, more responsive again. I've given most of mine away. Don't think they will survive the next string change either on the Triumph or the Woody. There is nothing wrong with the three point that would need shenanigans like that and the "strings won't intonate if the silk threaded part runs over the saddle"-thing is a silly myth anyway. It had nothing to do with me trying these cylinders out, I was just curious.

You have a hairy point there ... ! - )

To avoid further confusion: Only George "the hunk" Carlston has so far spoiled us with his stallionesque reflections of a member. My pet theory regarding this forum's puzzling obsession with all things chrome has its subliminally homophile (hairy) roots right there. Or to put it more simply: At the end of the day all chrome is closet gay! Face it.

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