Gear Discussion Forums > Other Bass Brands

My "Phoenix" G&L L2000

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That's beautiful!

Thanks guys.

I'm finding that the Moses neck is fairly flexible vs a standard wood neck in that, the front to back profile is pretty slim and I'm using 50-105 flats. I'll set it up with some small truss rod/action tweaks, do a gig and leave it for a while.
The next time I pick it up it will need some re-tweaks. Nothing drastic, but it takes a couple of days to settle completely.

I have a Geddy clone with an original MIJ neck that is crazy slim. That's another bass that needs shepherding more often than usual. It needs a little TLC whenever I pick it up. Plays great when its set up though.

So I finally got an idea of what this bass sounds like out front. This was a town Summer concert series show at their mid-town gazebo.
All stage sound, nothing reinforced. I was using my trusty Aguilar GS212 with a Thunderfunk 550b amp, very little EQ.
The Moses neck provides for a nice tight and even muscular tone. I am liking this pairing more and more.

Had 2 very capable subs on this night - drums and guitar.

P.S. Couldn't control the camera limiter from kicking in.....

Dave W:


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