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Interesting bass comparison

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Granny Gremlin:

--- Quote from: Pilgrim on August 21, 2017, 09:25:57 PM ---I can't tell any appreciable difference between them with fingers. The P and J sounded just about identical to each other.

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Wow; I found the J was much clankier with less bottom in all styles (except slap maybe cause I skipped that bit).

--- Quote from: Pilgrim on August 21, 2017, 09:25:57 PM --- I think they all need a set of six-month-old flats.
--- End quote ---

Yep; though I think the main culprit here was direct recording + leaving the tone knobs wide  open as some sort of variable control.

I really liked the P and disliked the J, but what else is new.
The bird sounded nice, but wish there's been a neck-only variant.

The Thumb was interesting because I'm not familiar with them. I quite liked it played fingerstyle, especially for chords, but it was really unpleasantly bright for slap and pick. Awful. Err, I mean, not my cup of tea.

I thought this setup was not flattering to the Ric at all.  I have heard Rics sound awesome in different ways, but this recording sounded really weak to me.

If I were going to buy basses solely based on this video and after listened to finger, slap (never a favorite of mine) and pick, they would be in this order:
1. Thunderbird
2. Ric
3. P bass and Stingray tied
4. Jazz
5. W

My conclusion is that fingers and strings make a lot more difference than the brand and model of bass.

Dave W:
My rating: None of the above. Whatever settings he's using, he sounds nothing like I would sound on any of these basses.

Also, he should have included a way to click past the entire slap section.


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