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Topics - Highlander

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14
Fender Basses / Talk about silly money for a Precision...! 1959...?
« on: December 05, 2009, 08:41:24 AM »
Yes, I know... just sitting about not doing a lot (all Scott's fault for posting that dubious EB-3 ;D) ...

Same age as me...  ;)

Other Bass Brands / Unusual 1950's Silvertone-Danelectro on eBay...?
« on: December 03, 2009, 05:05:59 PM »

The Outpost Cafe / Dio diagnosed with cancer...
« on: November 29, 2009, 04:39:47 PM »
Spotted this last week but as I was away working over the weekend, didn't have the time to post...

Early stages, but I'm wishing him well...

Saw him as far back as his Rainbow days...

Gibson Basses / RD Artist Pup that may get peeled... Cover ideas...?
« on: November 10, 2009, 04:27:14 PM »
I am contemplating peeling the plastic off my damaged RD pup for my Peter Cook project... anyone have any idea about covers and rings...? I can post the internal dimensions (approx) but has anyone tried this...?

Other Bass Brands / Another "pseudo" Peter Cook bass...
« on: October 22, 2009, 04:06:41 PM »
One of my regular searches for Ned Callan basses... this one has had some work done and is fretless...

The last one went for under £300, and this guy wants twice that...

The Outpost Cafe / CHROME WARS... Princess T'Bird Vs Darth Hornung
« on: October 14, 2009, 03:27:02 PM »
"Princesssss... your CHROME will never shine in the sun again..."

"Lord Hornung, your Epi-Goth holds no fear to me, and my CHROME will always shine..."

"We have a new weapon, the 'DARK-STAR'; a weapon so awesome it will strike fear throughout the CHROMIVERSE..."

"I have no fear of the dark, the CHROME will always shine through; I sense goodness within you, Lord Hornung, may the CHROME be with you..."

"You do not know the power of the DARK-SIDE..."

So, where does your allegiance fall...? Will youjoin the Chrome Alliance, or will you fall prey to The Dark Side, or the power of Gold...? Is there another way...?

Anyway... I had one of those days when the Ipod was pumping away through the system (of a down and Nickelbag - 7 CD's worth, that sort of driving day...) and I got to thinking about a random word I came out with... CHROMOSEXUAL...

Tripped into overdrive, but I'm only going to drop in a sample here...

CHROME-HEAD - serious CHROME user...
CHROMOPHILIA - an unhealthy interest in CHROME...
CHROMER SIMPSON - most popular CHROMETOON character in CHROMEDOM...
CHROME-BOY - a very good friend...
LANCHROME - popular products for the CHROMICALLY-challanged... very popular in CHROME, Italy...
CHROMUNISM - all in a CHROMUNE are equal, but some CHROMUNISTS are more equal than others...
CHROMEO AND JULIET - unknown lesser work by William CHROMESPEARE (best known quote being "to CHROME, or not to CHROME, that is the question")
CHROWME - bird known for it's love of shiny objects...
CHROMONICA - a possible pseudo-pseudonym for a popular LBOer...
CHROMOPHOBIA - fear of the CHROME (see also Hornung, Uwe; Dark Lord)
CHROME, SUITE CHROME - no place like it...
CHROMEVANA - the ultimate state, similar to CHROMUTOPIA...
CHROMABIRD - the ultimate Thunderbird...  ;D

Shall I go back in my box now...? okay...

This came up as part of my research re my Peter Cook gibberish as Uwe noted the the similarity...

Just found this one for sale, but a high price...?

Looks a real "diver"...  :o

just lifted these links from my other thread...
Discussion forum...
Shergold (formerly Hayman Guitars) site...

Have we got anyone with Shergold or Wal's...?

Other Bass Brands / Peter Cook Bass for sale (sort of...) Entwistle link...
« on: September 20, 2009, 01:54:16 PM »

Ned Callan bass, almost certainly built by Peter Cook, but with a reserve not met and as a double neck "Firebird" went for less than £500...

I'd buy her for curiosity value (as stable mate for my T'bird, but no damn cash...!) as these were endorsed by JAE...

The Outpost Cafe / Site logo and/or a tee...?
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:51:08 PM »
Something Rob mentioned in a pm reminded me to post this...

This is off-the-wall... A thought... a logo for a tee, or for the site...?

well, it is a "four-string" er... something re-worked, with a T'bird neck...

There is an image I have on a cup I was given by my daughter, of Gandalf, that I cannot find online, but I have always meant to do a mod to the image, with the caption, "Gandalf played a white EB3"... I'll try it and post if it works...

Any thoughts gents...?

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